Friday, July 04, 2014

Larkfleet Homes, Barleythorpe Road, Burley Park Way, Oakham, Rutland 9 new shops, A new Town?

Larkfleet Homes, Barleythorpe Road, Burley Park Way, Oakham, Rutland 9 new shops, A new Town?

Oakham North is looking more and more like a new town creation.

1000's of new homes, Supermarkets, Petrol Station, Large Family Pub, Hotel, A small community centre (Terry King diverted most of the 106 funding for a larger sports community centre to outside Oakham) are all on there way.

Next week Oakham Town Council will look at the plans for 9 new shops

7pm Victoria Hall.

2014/0546/RES Larkfleet Homes 
 Reserved Matters for the erection of 9 local centre retail units and 30 No. one 
 and two bedroom apartments 
 Land between Barleythorpe and Burley Park Way

Whilst Oakham is expanding Rutland County Councils Tories appear to be doing little provide the extra services that will be required for these new residents, Doctors, Schools are two examples of essential services over subscribed here in Oakham.