Friday, November 14, 2014

Oakham Town Council, Meeting, 13th November 2014, Video, Letter

Oakham Town Council met this week and as shown on previous
posts they did not comply with the law when co-opting a new

I have received a letter from the clerk confirming the council
is seeking further advice.

The Clerk also told me as he councils legal officer he should have intervened
much earlier in the process.

The council continually flouts the law and there appears to be
no one to hold them to account.

As a result of this meeting a planning comment is heading to
Rutland County Council, for the first time I have ever seen
with a real legal reason to object, referring to documents to
back up the reason for rejection. That is thanks to Cllr Alan
Walters who is also a county councillor. It appears he has learnt
something during his time as a county councillor.

Cllr Lucas has a hearing impairment and for some time she
has request a hearing loop for her and visitors to the chamber.
Some of the council members conduct was disgraceful and the
chairman's for allowing the disgraceful way this matter was handled.
Joyce is no friend of mine, but that does not stop me strongly disagreeing
with the way the request was handled.

Oakham Town Council has a very poor history when it comes to matters
of disability and diversity.

A few years ago they agreed the small cost to place information stickers in
braille on new information signs and then decided they would not bother.

They closed a footpath to disabled user rather then fixing it.

This week a resident told  me "the only way this town council is going
to recognise its responsibilities towards all members of our community
is if one of their own became severely disabled, because they are a selfish

I don't think is true because they have a councillor who has trouble hearing and
they are not the first. they should have fitted a loop many years ago and then
they would not now be humiliating and upsetting one of their own.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Oakham Town Council Unlawfully Co-opt New Member

Oakham Town Council Unlawfully Co-opt New Member

Despite recent correspondence from the Chairman of Oakham Town Council in which
she attempted to assure me they have learnt from past "mistakes"

The over paid clerks incompetence shone through once again this evening.

This evening council had four candidates who were keen to serve our community.

Despite this the town council only considered one of those applicants.

At the adjournment for the man to sign papers in double quick time.

I raised the issue relating to the Town Council not included the three others in
the voting procedure.

The Chairman Cllr Alf Dewis gave the impression he was not interested and
stated they had followed the correct legal requirements for co-option.

They had not.

He reconvened the meeting to consider a planning application. A Councillor
left the room due to a interest. So I decided to leave the room for a chat.

After a period of time had passed Cllr Lowe came out to notify the Councillor
he could return to the meeting and added the meeting had been adjourned again.
He would not give a reason.

It soon became evident that the Clerk and Chairman had their noses in a legal
book. They concluded "he has a point"

The meeting restarted and the Chairman told all I had a point.

They then told the person they had co-opted they would need to follow the
legal procedure and they were sorry.

They failed to over turn the previous incompetent outcome. Moving straight
to a vote for each of the four applicants.

The same man was elected / co-opted.

Mugabe must watch the film to follow, he might find it educational and beneficial.

All though Oakham Town Council feel they have promptly redressed their legal
errors, surely if you break the law their must be consequence but nether in

This is a repeat of the unlawful co-option in 2013 of Cllr Leanne Martin.

Some one recently told me the definition of stupidity is constantly repeating
the same mistakes.

Oakham Town Council also breached standing orders by not revoking the
first resolution and then revisiting the item within six months.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Oakham Town Council, Suspend Announcement of New Councillor, Video

Oakham Town Council, Suspend Announcement,
Unlawful Co-option of a new Councillor Chairman Cllr Alf Dewis

Oakham Town Council are delaying announcing yesterdays co-option claiming
they are seeking legal advice.

Cllr Alf Dewis was in a meeting with the Clerk this afternoon.

The Clerk said as the councils legal officer, he should have pointed out the
error of procedure earlier than he did.

Since the law has changed and video recording of meetings are permitted Oakham
Town Council are finding it difficult if not impossible to sweep their incompetence
and law breaking under the carpet.

In the past I would have come away and posted truthful comments and the
council would then run to the local police and tell other people I am nuts and
twisting the facts.

The video clearly shows they breached the law and their own standing orders.

It will be interesting to see how they are going to dig themselves out of this mess.

Members of the public have called for the resignation of Cllr Dewis and Stubs.
Stating Cllr Stubs lied at the meeting and Cllr Dewis for the way he conducted
the meeting. Those present and who have watch this video earlier today agree.

Of course we know resignations are highly unlikely because most town councillors
like Dewis and Stubs think they are above the law.

It took a year of protesting to get the resignation from Cllr Haworth even though
district judge had justly trashed his reputation.