Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Catmose College Oakham Parking Enforcement Consultation

If you have been a user of the campus for some time you will not have failed to notice the increased demand for car parking spaces which has meant that at peak times there are not enough spaces for everyone who needs to use them. This problem has been made worse by a number of local residents and rail users using the car park for all day and overnight parking. Perhaps as a result of these pressures, the site management team have also become increasingly aware of dangerous parking on paved areas and those marked with double yellow lines which is posing a serious risk to pedestrians. Many disabled users have been seriously inconvenienced by being unable to access a disabled bay because of a user without a disability using the space; this is also unacceptable.
The site team have tried to enforce our parking requirements by placing notices on offending cars but unfortunately this has had little effect, with many users continuing to offend. The site team do not have the time, nor the authority to enforce parking, as a result we have reluctantly chosen to work with a parking management company.

It is our intention therefore to introduce the following parking scheme which will be enforced by an independent company:

Disabled bays for blue badge holders only;
Parking in marked bays only;
Repeat offenders will have their permission to park removed.
Visitor parking limited to three hours. This will apply to all visitors including those accessing sports, Visions, the College and Brightways;
No overnight parking;

Staff of the Federation and Campus tenants will be issued with an annual permit to allow all day parking;

The College and Campus tenants will be able to apply to the Federation for one-off relaxation of permit requirements for special events e.g. open evenings and sports competitions.
Any user that does not comply with the parking scheme may be issued with a penalty fine of £100, which will be reduced to £60 if paid promptly, that will be enforced by the parking management company. If the Federation makes any surplus as a result of fines they will be used to support students who are at risk of financial hardship.

We hope that you also understand why such a scheme is necessary and the benefits to the majority of us who already park appropriately and show consideration for other users.

If you would like to comment on these proposals please email office@catmosecollege.com by Friday 1 July. It is our intention following this consultation and consideration of the responses received to implement a scheme during the summer of this year.