Sunday, December 03, 2017

Friends of Somerby School (FOSS) Christmas Fair Somerby Memorial Hall High St Somerby LE14 2PZ

Friends of Somerby School (FOSS) Christmas Fair

Sunday, December 3rd

ANNUAL CHRISTMAS FAIR at Somerby Memorial Hall
from 11am-2pm on Sunday 3rd December.
Father Christmas is coming so the children can let him know what presents they would like this Christmas.
Somerby Singers will entertain with a medley of Christmas songs
A good selection of craft stalls, books, superb home made cakes, gifts, cards etc on sale. Lots of choice for Christmas presents.
Tombola & a Kid Zone - games & stalls run by children from Somerby School.
Refreshments, BBQ, Homemade Soup
The Christmas Prize Raffle will be drawn -£100 Cash 1st Prize & lots more besides to appeal to all the family!
All proceeds go to FOSS Funds which help to support the children at Somerby School

Price: Free

Somerby Memorial Hall
High St
LE14 2PZ

The event runs from 11:00am to 2:00pm