Monday, March 22, 2021

Housing Infrastructure Fund St George's Barracks Rutland County Council Already Listed on Government Website as a Successful Forward Funding projects before Council decision is made

Housing Infrastructure Fund St George's Barracks Rutland County Council Already Listed on Government Website as a  Successful Forward Funding projects  before Council decision is made this evening?


Successful Forward Funding projects

Local authority Project HIF funding (£million)

Buckinghamshire Aylesbury Garden Town Growth Enabling Infrastructure Programme £172.3m

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Northern Fringe East £227m

Central Bedfordshire Transformational Growth in Biggleswade £69.6m

Cheshire East North Cheshire Garden Village £21.7m

Cornwall Truro Growth Area - Northern Access Road £47.5m

Cornwall Hayle Junctions Infrastructure Project £12.9m

Cumbria Carlisle Southern Link Road £134m

Devon South West Exeter £55.1m

Essex Beaulieu Station and North East Bypass £218m

Essex Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community £99.9m

GLA Docklands Light Railway - growth capacity £290.7m

GLA Meridian Water Infrastructure £170m

GLA East London line - growth capacity £80.8m

Gloucestershire M5 Junction 10 Improvements Scheme £219.8m

Greater Manchester Combined Authority Manchester Northern Gateway Urban Growth Programme £51.6m

Kent Swale Transport Infrastructure £38.1m

Lancashire South Lancaster Growth Catalyst £140m

Leicestershire Melton Mowbray Southern Distributor Road £14.7m

Medway New Routes to Good Growth £170m

Milton Keynes Milton Keynes East Sustainable Urban Extension £94.6m

North East Combined Authority South Sunderland Growth Area Cluster £25.4m

North Somerset West of England: Enabling Infrastructure for M5-A38 Strategic Development Locations £97m

Oxfordshire Access to Didcot Garden Town £218m

Oxfordshire A40 Smart Corridor £102m

Rutland St George’s Barracks £29.4m

Surrey A320 North of Woking £41.8m

Surrey A320 Woking Town Centre £95m

Surrey Slyfield Area Regeneration Project £52.3m

Swindon New Eastern Villages, Southern Connector Road £18.9m

Thurrock Purfleet Centre £75.1m

Wiltshire Chippenham Urban Expansion £75.1m