Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Kevin Tighe, CEO and David Wood, Chairman, Rutland Agricultural Society. Oakham Rutland We regret the disruption that has been caused and apologise to all those effected.

Rutland Showground

The Rutland Agricultural Society had accepted a booking of its showground site on the edge of Oakham from St Hilda’s Church Darlington to run a Christian Festival. This outdoor event is self-contained using no onsite facilities other than a set of fields of around 45 acres. It is being managed by 90 pastors supported by a team of 40 stewards. In addition, we have a team of security staff on site.

We required the event organisers produce an event risk assessment which covered a with a range of issues including the management of covid risks. To the best of our knowledge this is being implemented. In addition, we asked the event organisers to complete and submit to the Council an event notification.

The event which has around 1500 adults and children in their own motor homes/caravans has also attracted a minority who have been causing a disproportionate amount of antisocial activity. We are working closely with the organisers and liaising with the authorities to minimise and contain this antisocial activity.

We regret the disruption that has been caused and apologise to all those effected.

Kevin Tighe, CEO and David Wood, Chairman, Rutland Agricultural Society.