Thursday, January 06, 2022

Oakham Town Council Meeting 12th January 2022 Agenda

Oakham Town Council Meeting 12th January 2022 Agenda

Oakham Town Council

Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6NL

01572 723627



TO: All members of the Town Council

In accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1972, you are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 12 January 2022 at 6.30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Town Council Offices, Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, LE15 6LN

Karen Bell

Karen Bell

Locum Clerk to the Council

05 January 2022


Public Notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with schedule 12, Para 10(2) of the Local Government Act 1972. The Meeting is open to the press and public. Members of the public attending this meeting are advised that it may be filmed and recorded.


  1. APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE: To receive and approve apologies for absences

  1. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS AND APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION: Reminder to Members to disclose either a Pecuniary Interest or Other Interest in any item on the agenda. The clerk cannot advise members on this. Members are personally responsible for declaring an interest. Members are respectfully advised to read the Code of Conduct for more information. Councillors are also responsible for ensuring that their Registers of Interests are up to date (within 28 days of any changes)

  1. DEPUTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: An opportunity for members of the public to speak in accordance with Standing Orders 1 (d)- 1(i)

  1. COUNCILLOR VACANCY: To receive information


5.1 Minutes: To confirm the accuracy of the minutes from the meeting

held on 08 December 2021 Attached

5.2 To receive an update on any matters arising not included elsewhere on the agenda

6. PLANNING APPLICATIONS: The following are to be considered

2021/1410/FUL Demolition of existing house and garage. Construction of 2 no. 3 storey, 5-bedroom dwellings, new garage to be constructions for 1 no. dwelling and attached garage to be incorporated into other dwelling. Associated landscaping at 57 Stamford Road, Oakham

2021/1419/CAT 1 no. Oak Tree – Fell at 14 Barlow Road, Oakham

2021/1441/FUL Conversion of attached garage and erection of a single storey front extension at 39 Nene Crescent, Oakham, LE15 6SG

2021/1451/FUL Demolish garage and replace with a new detached garage and home office at 5 Brooke Road, Oakham

2021/1460/CAT 1 no. acer negundo (box elder) - clear building by 1-2m. 1 no. acer palmatum (Japanese maple) – fell at Jerwood School Of Design, Station Road, Oakham

2021/1464/CAT 1 no. cotoneaster spp. (Cotoneaster)- clear building by 1-2m. 1 no. acer negundo (box elder), 1 no. acer ginnala (Amur maple), 1 no. betula pendula (silver birch), 1 no. chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Lawson cypress), 1 no. crataegus laevigata (midland hawthorn), 1 no. prunus cerasifera ( plum cherry) 'nigra', 2 no. alnus cordata (Italian alder), 3 no. betula utilis (Himalayan birch)- clear telecom line by 1-2m from some trees, fell one dead birch. 1 no. acer platanoides (Norway Maple)- remove dead branches. (088H) 1 no. acer negund - clear building by 1-2m and clear 6m over road at Merton Building, Church Street, Oakham

2021/1465/CAT 1 no. taxus baccata (Yew)- remove dead branches. 1 no. taxus baccata (yew)- clear garage by 1-2m. 1 no. ilex aquifolium (English holly)- clear building by 1-2m. 1 no. crataegus crus-galli (cockpit thorn)- clear building by 1-2m and remove dead branches. 1 no. taxus baccata (yew)- clear building by 1-2m. 1 no. crataegus laevigata (midland hawthorn) - remove dead branches. 1 no. ilex aquifolium (English holly)- clear building by 1-2m. 6 no. taxus baccata (yew)- clear building by 1-2m from nearby tree and clear 6m above road at Oakham School Chapel, Church Street, Oakham

2021/1466/CAT 1 no. tilia spp. (Lime species) - remove dead branches. 1 no. tilia cordata (small- leaved linden) - Remove dead branches at Deanscroft, Station Road, Oakham

2021/1472/FUL Single storey flat roof extension to the rear of the property at 80 Burley Road, Oakham


To answer questions previously notified to the Clerk under Standing Order 9

8. CLERK’S REPORT: To receive information

9. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: To receive information


10.1 Policies & Procedures WG: To consider remit of WG

10.2 To receive and consider reports from members, working groups and outside bodies

10.3 Councillor LRALC Training: To receive Councillors report

10.4 Welcome Back Fund: For Further consideration


11.1 To consider the use of Oakham Bandstand by the Rutland Concert Band for Proms in the Park on either 25 June 2022 or 02 July 2022

11.2 To consider the following from RCC

11.2.1 Request from Community Safety Officer for OTC approval to put signage up in the park – No cost to OTC.

11.2.2 Request from Street Scene Officer for OTC to fund the cost of a larger bin unit at Kestrel Road, Oakham – cost to OTC, £300 approx.


12.1 Payments for Approval To follow

12.2 Bank Reconciliation as at 30 November 2021 Attached

12.3 Bank Reconciliation as at 31 December 2021 To follow

12.4 Oakham Hopper: To consider proposal from RCC for OTC to subsidise the service Previously Circulated

12.5 External Audit: To receive information

12.6 Internal Controls Policy: For consideration and approval


12.7 Rialtas Accounting Software: To consider approval of end of year


12.8 Cambridge Building Society: To approve the removal of Cllr Burton as a signatory and to confirm a new signatory

13. TOWN CRIER: To consider application pack and selection process Attached

14. CHRISTMAS LIGHTING: To receive 2021 Christmas Lighting Outurn Report and

to commence forward planning for 2022 Christmas Lighting


15.1 Footpath Repairs: For consideration and approval

15.2 Refurbishment: To consider Report No 2022/01 submitted by Cllr Romney Attached

16. ENTERTAINMENT: To consider Report No 2022/02 submitted by Cllr Romney



2022/03 submitted by Cllrs. Lowe and Orchard Attached

18. LIGHTING CUTTS CLOSE: To consider Report No 2022/04 submitted by Cllr

Romney Attached

19. LOCAL COUNCIL AWARDS SCHEME: To receive information and to consider


21. MATTERS FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION: To receive information

22. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION IN PRIVATE: To resolve that the press and

public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items on

the grounds that they relate to individuals and the financial affairs of particular

persons. This information is classed as exempt under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of

Schedule 12A to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as revised by The

Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006).

22.1 To confirm appointment of Town Clerk

22.2 Review of the following Leases Previously circulated

22.2.1 Bowls Club

22.2.2 Tennis Club

23. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: 09 February 2022 @ 6.30 p.m.


a) The meeting is open to the press & public.

b) The Town Council allows a short period of time at meetings of the Full Council when residents can put questions to the council. At other times, the public are not able to take part in the proceedings except at the discretion of the Chairman who may at a convenient time in the transaction of business adjourn the meeting and suspend standing orders to allow any member of the public to address the meeting and ask questions requiring answers of a factual nature

c) Mobile phones are to be switched to silent during the meeting

Meeting Documents