Showing posts with label Britain in Bloom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Britain in Bloom. Show all posts

Monday, September 26, 2011

Well done Oakham in Bloom Workers, Britain in Bloom, Silver Gilt

Teresa Thompson said Sadly no win for Oakham this time, but still a very creditable Silver Gilt medal. Our category, the Towns, was the most hard-fought and highly scored of the entire competition, so we mustn't feel too bad about it. Apparently the judges were most impressed with the work of our gardening volunteers and encourage us to do lots more of the same! A few areas need a slight rethink though, so the Committee will be working on those over the next months. 

I say well done to all the gardening volunteers and keep up the good work.
Teresa Thompson also says: Please remember the Big Replant on Sunday 8th October, beginning at 9.30am at the library and come if you can, equipped with trowels, ready for Action. The more hands we have, the sooner all will be done, so I hope to see you then.
Teresa Thompson
Gardening Co-ordinator
Oakham in Bloom

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oakham In Bloom Wins Three East Midlands Awards

2007 logo of Britain in BloomOakham in Bloom
Oakham In Bloom Wins Three East Midlands Awards

 Judges award Gold  For The Prairie Garden design this can be seen outside the library

Britain in Bloom ‘Local Roots’ Award Oakham  for making references in their landscape projects to their unique local history.

East Midlands in Bloom Award for the Best New Permanent Landscape Oakham  The Prairie Garden Design

 Well done all involved.

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Thursday, July 08, 2010

Oakham in Bloom Judges Visit

Oakham Town Clerk Richard White Takes Judges from
East Midlands In Bloom judges Doug Stacey and Sharon Thomas
for a tour of Cutts Close

No guessing to where the car is parked!