Showing posts with label Communications Strategy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communications Strategy. Show all posts

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Oakham Town Council Communications Strategy - Cllr Tor Clark

Last night Oakham Town Council voted for another improvement.

8th September 2010

Cllr Tor Clerk the media mogul from Leicester University proposed one of the most sensible things I have ever seen put before the town council.

Councillors agreed Cllr Tor Clerk would now responsible for its Communications Strategy.

The Council  will communicate all work carried out by the Town Council on behalf of the people of Oakham, So residents can hold councillors to account for their actions and allocation of resources.

They will also try to raise the profile of Oakham Town Council and encourage resident to interact with it.

And create a positive image of Oakham to the wider community to encourage economic and wider well-being for its residents.

It looks good on paper and surely this is the correct role of the council.

I do wish they would get rid of those who don't attend or have the manners to send apologies for absence.

Regular news will be provided on the OTC website and regular press releases will be issued to all local media.

I do hope they make them interesting the Rutland Times has been destroyed by the reproduction word for word of press releases from RCC a total lack of journalism. A press release as far as I am concerned is not a story it is a lead if I am wrong then I am sure Cllr Clark will correct me.

I look forward to seeing and reading the result of this initiative.

Although I can not help feel this is it a bit like the BBC reporting on itself.
We are fortunate to have local papers here, even if we don't have any journalist to write articles.
Kate Adie expressed her concerns in a conversation about the loss of the local press up and down the country and its effect on democracy locally. I think the total lack of reporting at all local council levels has already had an effect on local government and its activities.

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