Showing posts with label Conduct Committee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conduct Committee. Show all posts

Monday, November 11, 2013

Cllr Charles Haworth, Conduct Committee, Rutland County Council, Latest, Oakham School, Leicester City Council, Coventry City Council, Melton Borough Council

Cllr Charles Haworth, Conduct Committee, Rutland County Council, Latest, Oakham School, Leicester City Council, Coventry City Council, Melton Borough Council.

Dear Mrs Mogg,

Re: Oakham Town Councillor Charles Haworth

Thank you for meeting last week.

Attached is a complete copy of how Cllr Haworth's Blog as published in January 2013 at the time of his arrest.

Since 2009 posts have been deleted and edited using Oakham library computers contravening the terms and conditions issued by Rutland County Council.

A Judge described the Councillors blog as crude, crass, disgusting and homophobic. So you might like to remember those comments when opening the attachment.

The blog is deeply offensive to myself and friends.

You asked for specific breaches, so I will do my best to point them out in this e-mail.

1. Homophobic conduct is a crime and most certainly not acceptable from
anyone let alone a town Councillor and his supporters.

2. Cllr Haworth published many times I was a prostitute, and this has caused considerable embarrassment for an Oakham School teacher. He published on his blog and Tweeted, I charged an Oakham school teacher for sex in a public toilet. he also published that teachers name and a photograph of him and another person who was employed by the school at that time.

I wrote to Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Council, My MP and the Police, I told them all in a email this was a false and damaging accusation, Cllr Haworth obtained a copy of that email and published it on his blog.

Cllr Haworth published my personal details including my address, phone number and email address these were later removed after I complained to the police and councils. Interesting as the council and police at this time denied any knowledge of who was responsible for what we all now know is the disgusting conduct of the Town Councillor and two former Oakham Mayors. "his partners in crime" is how they were described in court by a former Melton Borough Council employee.

He can not say he carried this out as part of his private activities because that e-mail was obtained through his role as a councillor.

3. Cllr Haworth Obtained an email correspondence between Jo Goodliffe and Rutland County Councils Monitoring Officer and published this on his
blog. This is a attack against a land owner within his ward.
He also attacked her mocked her personal circumstances and published details of her bank, he obtained all this information whilst carrying out his duties as a Councillor.

4. Cllr Haworth publish a letter written by Helen Pender to an employee
of Leicester City Council dated 2003, I can only assume this letter was obtained from the Council because of Councillor Haworth's position as
a Councillor. Although Leicester City Council wrote to me after an investigation, they said they could not find the source.
Personally I believe it was Mr Carey who worked in the past for Rutland County Council as your monitoring officer, Who resigned from Arts for Rutland Committee after sending me crude emails threatening myself and Mrs Pender. He went on to work for Coventry City Council and was sacked, for inappropriate behaviour at a staff Christmas party (this is information is published in local Coventry press) he now works for Leicester City Council.


Martin Brookes

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Rutland County Council, Conduct Committee, Cancelled, Joke?

Gale Waller (GWaller@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk)
To: Martin Brookes
Picture of Gale Waller
Mr Brookes,

The Conduct Committee meeting for tonight was cancelled due to lack of business. The next meeting is scheduled for January. If you wish to address it please contact Democratic Services who will be able to advise you on whether this is permissible.

Best wishes,
Gale Waller
Councillor, Normanton Ward
Rutland County Council

Monday, October 28, 2013

Cllr Charles Haworth, Homophobic Oakham Town Council, Conduct Committee, Rutland County Council

Five months ago I wrote to Rutland  County Council about the conduct
of Oakham Town Councillor Charles Haworth, not for the first time.

I am pleased to say this is the first time I have received a reply from
Rutland  County Council. I am pleased with their efficient 5 month
delayed response!

I am not very happy with their response.

I have spoken to a member of the conduct committee, I had provided
Rutland County Council with details of my complaint and evidence to
support my complaint that Cllr Haworth has breached many codes of

Rutland County Council  29 October 2013
Time: 19:00

Conduct Committee will meet there is no agenda on-line?

I WONDER WHY? Cllr Haworth and his homophobic supporters at Oakham Town Council
have not RESIGNED?

Cllr Charles Haworth (Former Oakham Deputy Mayor)

Coun Haworth: Judge Temperley said the councillor had been “economical with the truth” which “undermined his credibility as a witness”.

Coun Haworth had attacked Mr Brookes on his website Laughing Stocks and had told the trial the comments were satirical and lampooning.

However, Judge Temperley said: “I don’t agree. Some of the material goes way beyond satire. They are crude and crass and homophobic.”

The judge said based on the evidence from police in both instances, Coun Haworth’s claims were “exaggerated”.
The judge concluded that while he could not be certain how many texts were sent to Coun Haworth, he was satisfied that Mr Brookes’ motivation was to expose Coun Haworth as the author of blogs which had “understandably caused him distress over a number of years”.

Gay blogger threatened and branded ‘pedophile’ for challenging politicians

Martin Brookes has won a court case accusing him of harassing local political leaders, but his nightmare isn’t over
- See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/gay-blogger-threatened-and-branded-%E2%80%98pedophile%E2%80%99-challenging-politicians201013#sthash.BELMFwRS.dpuf

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Conduct Committee, Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Council, Misconduct in Public Office

Date: 29 October 2013
Time: 19:00

Conduct Committee

I am hoping this time Rutland County Council will deal with a complaint I have made regarding
Oakham Town Councillor Charles Haworth. their record on this subject has never been that good

They have now found my complaint sent in some time ago.

Any member of the public if they wish can complain about the conduct of any councillor.

I am hoping the conduct committee who are made up mainly of Tory Councillors will have noted the
district judges recent comments about Cllr Haworth and refer him to the CPS for prosecution
due to misconduct in public office.

I am rather surprised Leicestershire Police have not already taken any action regarding his
misconduct in public office.

Misconduct in Public Office