Showing posts with label Dave Richardson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dave Richardson. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cllrs, Richard Gale, Nick Wainwright, Dave Richardson, Rutland Anti Corruption Party, Plead with Tory Leader Roger Begy, to end costly dispute

Letter to the Editor. End this costly dispute

Tags: Power
Editor. The Leader of Rutland County Council, Roger Begy, tells everyone that the Council 
is Open and Transparent. By making this statement I believe he is saying “there is nothing to 
hide and nothing being hidden”. I’m so pleased to hear this if in fact it is correct.
The RAC Group believe that he, as the leader, has and always has had the power to end the 
dispute regarding Openness and Transparency immediately.
Please Cllr. Begy, show leadership skills. We call upon you to end this dispute now by 
allowing minutes, documents and files to be made available to the Elected Councillors of the 
RAC Group and for our questions to be answered.
Richard Gale
Nick Wainwright
Dave Richardson

Monday, November 19, 2012

Rutland County Council, Anti Corruption, £8,000 independent report, Letter, Councillors, Richard Gale, Dave Richardson, Nick Wainwright

Rutland County Council, Anti Corruption, £8,000 independent report,
Letter, Councillors, Richard Gale, Dave Richardson, Nick Wainwright

Why we ask for openness.

The Tories with the support of a few independents have agreed to waste
an astonishing amount of tax payers money, commissioning solicitor who the
Chief Executive admits in her report have worked for the council in the past,
hardly what one would call independent authors?

Once Rutland County Council has spent the tax payers money on this political
tool will the Tories be using it as part of their campaign at the next election.
If so they should pay for it.

Whilst in the library on Saturday I noticed some one had been
reading a Rutland County Council document alongside is a
copy of Brewers Dictionary Phrase and Fable.

Surely a good companion for any Rutland County Council Report?