Fort Henry Exton Rutland
In April 1786, a Stamford architect, William Legg, was requested by the Earl of Gainsborough to provide designs for a "Gothick building by the pond".
Although referred to in building records as the Pond House, the summerhouse soon became known as
Fort Henry, no-one is sure of the origin of this name.
The pinnacled and turreted structure was built to replace the old boat house at the pond. It became a favorite place for Noel family picnics and parties, and a location for special events held by the Earl of Gainsborough for his Estate workers and tenants.
Lower Lake Exton
A friendly pigeon
Lower Lake Exton
Thee other side of this lake is the site of
the deserted medieval village of Horn
an area quarried for ironstone in the mid 20th century
Looking towards Ketton
Sun setting behind Exton Parish Church
This track once used to be a railway that
transported iron stone
Looking towards the A1
in the distance you can see the Farm
now the home of Lady Gainsborough