Showing posts with label Hambleton Hall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hambleton Hall. Show all posts

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rutland Photographer of the Year 2010

Rutland Falconry and Owl Centre on Exton Lane ...Image via Wikipedia
Rutland photographer of the year is
in its inaugural year and is a major
new competition to the area, with
prizes up to the value of £2,000

The competition is being is being run
in conjunction with local photographer
and author Chris Hartnoll as well
as being sponsored by many local
businesses like
Barnsdale Lodge, Hambleton  Hall,
Greetham Golf, Rutland Cycling, RAF
Cottesmore and more

with seven categories, there really
is something for every interest.

Competition Closes 31/10/10

 further details at


tel: 01572 723000
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