Former Rutland LPU Inspector Mistry writes to Nigel Chapman and his unprotected e-mail turns
up in an evidence bundle produced by Rutland County Council to be used against me at trial.
This to me highlights the enjoyable special relationship Rutland County Council and the local Tory mob have
with Leicestershire Police.
I asked Rutland County Council if their employee had paid for the copying of so many documents or had
the tax payer picked up the bill.
They replied the tax payer had paid.
I wonder why the impartial Leicestershire Police Inspector uses the exclamation mark against my name?
Why are his feelings against me so strong?
It is also interesting to see another blogger's name being sent to the CPS.
The following statement given by Inspector Mistry highlights his personal opinion. Although the
statement has been withdrawn by the prosecution, I feel it is not appropriate for me to publish it
in full at this time.
The statement echoes that of former Tory Gene Plews who rather crazily gave a statement last year
stating I had personally destroyed Oakham.
I fully agree, I have upset the local Tory mob but I am 100 percent sure it goes no further than them.
I am also sure they are feeling the same anger and distaste towards the many people writing to the local
paper saying things about them all of which I support. When will they be arrested?
And as for his the last paragraph, if the police stopped sticking their heads up the bottoms of the local
Tory Mob then maybe they might save a bit of cash for the rest of the community.
The Inspector also needs to learn to spell, that includes mine and others names.