Force area:
Martyn Underhill
Election statement:
I am the only candidate who is Independent from Political Parties and has a good
working knowledge of the Police. Party politics and policing don’t mix. Dorset is a
unique and special County and I am passionate to find “Dorset Solutions for
Dorset People”. I am an ex police officer who moved to Dorset on retirement.
I led the Sarah Payne case, I advised on Soham. I understand the Police and I have
no connection to this Force. I am a Trustee/Volunteer for five Dorset charities and sit
as Laymember on my Local Safeguarding Children Board. I lecture at Bournemouth
University and am an adviser to the charity Missing People. After six months campaigning,
meeting thousands of Dorset people, I feel I know what you want. That’s why I petitioned
10 Downing Street recently, fighting for a fairer budget allocation for this Force. If elected,
I pledge to tackle your issues – Domestic Violence, Anti-Social Behaviour, Binge Drinking,
E Crime/Identity Theft, and a more approachable and accountable Police Force.
Persistent offenders blight our lives, and need tackling through firm supervision.
Community Engagement is a priority. I will create PCC Forums that you can sit on with me,
telling me your issues, so I can help resolve them. We need more Special Constables,
working in their community for the community. We need fewer victims and a quicker
service. A Victims Bureau that gives you one person as a contact, wherever your
case sits, be it with police, CPS or the Courts, keeping you informed. We need
a Neighbourhood Watch in every community. I want to see the Voluntary Sector
working as equals to the statutory bodies. And finally, I want to tackle deprived
areas like Boscombe, tackling drug issues, making them safer.
Prepared by Martyn Underhill of 35 Manor Ave Poole.
Contact details: