Showing posts with label Oakham Art Group. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Art Group. Show all posts

Monday, November 17, 2014

Oakham Art Group, Art Exhibition, Victoria Hall, Oakham, Rutland

Oakham Art Group, Art Exhibition, Victoria Hall, Oakham, Rutland

Open each day 10am - 4pm

until 27th November 2014

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Oakham Art Group, Autumn Exhibition, Victoria Hall Oakham, Oakham, Rutland

Oakham Art Group, Autumn Exhibition, Victoria Hall Oakham, Oakham, Rutland

The Group is now looking for new members who consider themselves armature artists.
They do not teach but members are always willing to give advice.

Monday's 1.30pm - 3.30pm

V. A. R Building
Pillings Road
Oakham in the conference suite.

Tel: 01572 722571 Colin Bath


Monday, October 29, 2012

Oakham Art Group, Autumn Exhibition, Victoria Hall, Oakham

Left Artist Rita Fryer, Right Wendy Monro 

Oakham Art Group, Autumn Exhibition, Victoria Hall, Oakham an exhibition of work by a group of
Oakham artists is open till this Sunday.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Oakham Art Group, Spring Exhibition, Victoria Hall, Oakham, Rutland

Oakham Art Group, Spring Exhibition, Victoria Hall, Oakham, Rutland

 At Victoria Hall, High Street, Oakham, this week free admission

2nd - 8th May


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oakham Art Group Autumn Exhibition at Victoria Hall Oakham till 30th October

Oakham Art Group Autumn Exhibition at Victoria Hall Oakham till 30th October

Oakham Art Group was founded in 1995 with 30 members

for further info email barbarabath@btinternet.com

See and buy work by local artists,

David Perril, Diana Masters, Amberley Moore, Valerie Scott, Gerald Walker, Doreen Owens, Theresa Dewar, Rita Fryer, Colin Bath, Barbara Bath, Jack Stafford, Linda Crossley, June Williams, Edwina King, Don Amphlett, Trevor C.olwood, Chris Davis, David Thompson, Shirley Olley and Alli Morton