Showing posts with label Rutland RATS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rutland RATS. Show all posts

Monday, June 21, 2010

Arts For Rutland lose my support

On Friday I attended the Launch of the Rutland Festival

I wrote a blog and decided to share with member of the committee
and also those of Arts For Rutland all their e-mail address's are
public information and can be found on the publicly funded web site.

I received a disgusting reply from Committee Member
Mr Carey (above)

A good friend of members past and present of  members
Oakham Town Council,

The behaviour of these people has for a long time been totally
unacceptable and due to lack of action taken by
Oakham police the harassment continues
and in this case it is clear Mr Carey feels protected from the
law he uses he own personal email address
rather than remaining anonymous like his cowardly friends.

Mr Carey is a Senior committee member for Arts For Rutland
who sponge of the tax payer many thousands each year
for the sole aim of enjoying their elite activities

Copy of Mr Carey's Emai  below, my original email was signed Cllr Brookes:

> To: martinjbrookes@hotmail.com

> Subject: Re: Hippo Launch

> Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2010 21:27:02 -0400

> From: grahamjcarey@aol.com


> I do not know you, why have you invaded my privacy - do not contact me

> agian - who the heck are you ? how have you got my details -
what gives

> you the right to invade my privacy and contact me unosolicited - what

> kind of werdo are you?> Kind regards

I think it is about time the majority tax payer started taking acation against this elite group of bullies here in Oakham.