Digital Rutland, Rutland Telecom, BT, Tory Roger Begy Distributes Cllr Richardson Private Email
Cllr Richardson wrote to Tory Councillor Pocock
It has been raised with us that the handling of the Broadband has involved illegal
activity, which is now being taken to the European Courts. This again is under your
Portfolio and one would expect an immediate briefing of all members with an
indication of what investigation is taking place and any subsequent action to be
If this happened to a Government Minister he would be expected to resign, since it
is under their watch. The same applies to yourself if these allegation are true.
There maybe some truth in the above as I received emails from a person claiming to be the former
chairman of Rutland Telecom, his emails were very similar to Cllr Richardson's. and a quick trace
of the ip address showed the email originated from a playroom, in Uppingham and included his name.
Interestingly since Rutland County Council dropped their support for the company some
strange events have happened, Rutland Telecom street equipment has been damaged in villages
and police are currently investigating two breakins at the Uppingham telephone exchange resulting
in only Rutland Telecoms Service being switched off.
What I can't understand is why anyone would want to do that and how would they know what to
look for does the exchange label each provider?