Showing posts with label Ryhall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ryhall. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Rutland County Council's Planning Committee will meet this evening to discuss a controversial outline planning application for up to 63 new homes south of Meadow Lane, Ryhall.

Rutland County Council's Planning Committee will meet this evening to discuss a controversial outline planning application for up to 63 new homes south of Meadow Lane, Ryhall.

Ryhall Housing Development Faces Scrutiny at Planning Committee

Rutland County Council's Planning Committee will meet this evening to discuss a controversial outline planning application for up to 63 new homes south of Meadow Lane, Ryhall.  The application, submitted by Manor Oak Homes, has drawn significant public opposition, raising concerns about the scale of development, infrastructure strain, and environmental impact.


The application comes at a time when Rutland County Council is facing pressure to increase its housing supply.  Revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) have resulted in Rutland no longer being able to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply. 

Despite the planning officer's recommendation for approval, the application has generated considerable public concern.  Of the 49 public responses received, only one expressed support.  The remaining 48 objections raise a range of issues.

Objectors argue that Ryhall is already large enough and that brownfield sites should be prioritised.  They also cite concerns about the cumulative impact of multiple developments in the area.  Infrastructure concerns include increased pressure on local schools and health services, loss of walking access to the countryside, and a perceived lack of information on affordable housing.  Some residents question the need for a new play area, given the village already has one.

Highways and transport are another major concern.  Residents argue that the site is located on a "rat run" and that neither Meadow Lane nor Belmesthorpe Lane is suitable for increased traffic.  Environmental objections focus on potential pollution, the loss of arable land, and the impact on wildlife, including trout habitat, the River Gwash, and local fishing.  The site's visual impact and potential devaluation of neighbouring properties are also raised.

The planning officer's report addresses these concerns, stating that the Community Infrastructure Levy will mitigate impacts on education and healthcare, and that affordable housing will be secured through a Section 106 agreement.  The report also suggests that the proposed play area, being closer to the new homes, is likely to be used by residents in that area.  The Highways Authority has raised no objections to the proposed access points, and the report concludes that environmental concerns can be addressed through conditions.

The report acknowledges the loss of arable land but argues that this is outweighed by the need for housing.  It also states that the site has a "low/low-medium sensitivity" in terms of landscape impact, and that the development could improve the transition between the village and the countryside.  Archaeological impacts will be mitigated by a condition requiring further investigation.

Ultimately, the Planning Committee must weigh the public objections against the need for housing and the planning officer's assessment.  The decision will have significant implications for the future development of Ryhall and the surrounding area.

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Kiwanis Santa Sleigh Tour Stamford, Ryhall, Ketton and Wittering Dates and Times

Kiwanis Santa Sleigh Tour

Multiple dates from Sunday, December 4th to Monday, December 19th

Dec 4 5 pm The area of Perth Road, Caithness Road, Dickens Drive
Dec 5 5.30pm Fitzwilliam Road, Cambridge Road, Mountbatten Avenue, Lambeth Walk
Dec 6 5.30pm Rutland Heights
Dec 7 No outing Kiwanis Meeting
Dec 8 5.30pm Arran Road, Cedar Road, Oak Road
Dec 9 5.30pm Mason Drive, Banks Crescent, Collins Ave., Belvoir Close, Chatsworth Road
Dec 11 5 pm Rutland Road, Lincoln Road, Irnham, Masterton Road, Willoughby Road
Dec 12 5.30pm Churchill Road, Edinburgh Road, the west end of Kesteven Road
Dec 13 5.30pm Easton on the Hill, Collyweston
Dec 14 5.30pm Ryhall
Dec 15 5.30pm Ketton
Dec 16 5.30pm Queen Street, Essex Road, Sussex Road, Northumberland Avenue
Dec 18 5 pm Lonsdale Road, Sutherland Way, Highlands Way
Dec 19 5.30pm Wittering

Stamford, Ryhall, Ketton and Wittering

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Green Dragon, Ryhall, MacMillan, The World's Biggest Coffee Morning

Green Dragon, Ryhall, MacMillan, The World's Biggest Coffee Morning

10.30am - 1.00pm

26th September 2014

Coffee, Tea, Cakes, Raffle and Tombola

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ryhall Summer Gala, Ryhall Playing Fields, Parkfield Road, Ryhall, Stamford

Ryhall Summer Gala

Saturday August 30th

A fun day out for all the family, lots of stalls, dog show & agility, classic cars, kids rides, food and bar.

Price: Free entry

Ryhall Playing Fields
Parkfield Road
Ryhall, Stamford

The event runs from 11:30 am to 4:30 pm

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Santa Sleigh, Stamford Kiwanis, Tour Dates, Stamford, Ketton, Ryhall, 2013

You'll hear Christmas songs playing on Santa's sleigh as he comes along
with his helpers. Remember to wrap up warm when you come out to wave!

4th - Party for reindeers in Lapland

5th - Rutland Heights

6th - Arran Road, Cedar Road, Oak Road and district

7th - Santa to Lapland to fetch more presents

8th - Santa in Lapland to read letters from children

9th - Belvoir Close, Laughton Drive, Banks Crescent and district

10th - Ketton

11th - Green Lane, Churchill Road, Edinburgh Road and district

12th - Lincoln Road, Kesteven Road, Irnham Road and district

13th - Chatsworth Road, Waverley Gdns, Lambeth Walk and district

14th - Santa in Lapland for sleigh maintenance

15th - Santa in Lapland to read letters from children

16th - Ryhall

17th - Easton On The Hill

18th - Christmas Dinner for Santa and reindeers in Lapland

19th - Drift Avenue, Masterton Road, Rutland Road and district

20th - Lonsdale Road, Sutherland Way, Highlands Way and district

21st - Santa back to Lapland to read letters from children and load up

Organisation helped by Stamford Kiwanis

Evergreen Trust – meals, companionship, home help and support for older people.

Homestart – parental support for vulnerable young families

Christ Church Centre – desperately needed community facilities and services

Scouts and Guides

CRUSE – bereavement support

Friends of Stamford Recreation Ground

Corn Exchange Theatre

Christ Church Children’s Christmas Party

Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme – Stamford

Cancer Relief McMillan Fund

St. John Ambulance

Rutland Accident Care Scheme


Darby & Joan Club

Arthritis Care

Motor Neurone Disease Association

Marie Curie Nurses

Guide Dogs for the Blind

Stamford Brass


Sports Aid Foundation

Good Companions

Disability Lincs

Malcolm Sargent Cancer Fund

Stamford Skatepark

Stamford Red Cross

Easton Playgroup

Queen Eleanor School

Ketton Cricket Club

Barnack Pre school

Stamford Food Bank

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Christmas Bazaar, Craft Fayre, Father Christmas, Ryhall Village Hall, Church Street, Ryhall, Stamford, PE9 4HR


Saturday November 24th

Includes 10 Craft stalls plus cakes,books,toys,tombola, bric-a-brac,refreshments & Grand draw. Father Christmas in his Grotto.

Ryhall Village Hall
Church Street
Ryhall, Stamford

1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Table Top Sale, Ryhall Village Hall, Church Street, Ryhall, Stamford, PE9 4HR


Saturday October 13th

Ryhall Village Hall
Church Street
Ryhall, Stamford

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Refreshments & Raffle. Tables £6 in advance £8 on the day. To book a table phone John 01780 763603.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Jumble Sale, Womens Institute nearly new jumble and bric-a-abrac sale. Ryhall Village Hall Church Street Ryhall, Stamford PE9 4HR

Jumble Sale

Saturday September 1st

Womens Institute nearly new jumble and bric-a-abrac sale.

Ryhall Village Hall
Church Street
Ryhall, Stamford

 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm 

Friday, August 19, 2011

thomson local.com, Stamford Directory, 2011 -2012, Bourne, Ryhall, Easton on the Hill, Oakham, Langham

 thomson local.com, Stamford Directory, 2011 -2012, Bourne, Ryhall, Easton on the Hill, Oakham, Langham

Before I placed my freshly delivered thomson local, in my grey recycling bin kindly provided by Rutlland County Council to safely dispose of printed material like this, I flicked through the pages and noticed why thomson local like so many companies print abroad. In this case by Lite, Italy at super speed in September 2011. How did they manage that? 

Thomson Directories Ltd is owned by Seat Pagine Gialle S.p.A. of Italy.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ryhall Village Hall, Concert, Ryhall, Stamford, Hell Said the Duchess

Hell Said the Duchess - concert at Rhyall,

Thursday 12th May 7.30pm

Rhyall Village Hall
Church Street

Accordion trio - Elegant, eccentric and effervescent concoction of tradition and original music.

Bar and refreshments.

Contact: Anne 01780 754 621


Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Nominations Rutland County Council Election Ryhall and Casterton Ward

Nominations Rutland County Council Election Ryhall and Casterton Ward

2 seats contested

Graham Faithfull (Independent) 37 Balk Road, Ryhall, Nr Stamford, Lincs, PE9 4HT

Charlotte Jones (Conservative) 20 Plover Road, Essidine, Stamford, Lincs. PE9 4UR

Chris Parsons (Conservative) Poachers Rest, Newstead Lane, Stamford, Lincs. PE9 4SA