Showing posts with label Skate Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skate Park. Show all posts

Friday, December 02, 2022

Oakham Town Council Meeting 7th December 2022 Agenda, Skate Park, Pride 2023, Statue of Queen Elizabeth II grant.


Oakham Town Council

Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6LN

01572 723627



TO: All members of the Town Council

In accordance with the requirements of the Local government Act 1972, you are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 7th December 2022 at 6.30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the offices of the Town Council, Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, LE15 6LN

Benjamin Tassell

Clerk to the Council


Public Notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with schedule 12, Para 10(2) of the Local Government Act 1972. The Meeting is open to the press and public. Members of the public attending this meeting are advised that it may be filmed and recorded.


  1. APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE: To receive and approve apologies for absences

  1. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS AND APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION: Reminder to Members to disclose either a Pecuniary Interest or Other Interest in any item on the agenda. The clerk cannot advise members on this. Members are personally responsible for declaring an interest. Members are respectfully advised to read the Code of Conduct for more information. Councillors are also responsible for ensuring that their Registers of Interests are up to date (within 28 days of any changes)

  1. DEPUTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: An opportunity for members of the public to speak in accordance with Standing Orders 1 (d)- 1(i)


4.1 Minutes: To confirm the accuracy of the minutes from the meeting

held on 23rd November 2022 Attached


To answer questions previously notified to the Clerk under Standing Order 9

6. CLERK’S REPORT: To receive information

7. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: To receive information


8.1 To receive and consider reports from members, working groups and outside bodies

8.2 Events Update

8.3 To discuss paper 2022/32Submitted by Cllr Williams regarding the planting of Trees in Cutts Close


9.1 To note correspondence from residents and response of OTC


10.1 Payments for Approval (cashbook up to 30.11.22 to follow)

10.2 Bank Reconciliation as at 30 November 2022

(to follow)

10.3 Budget 2023-2024 – To update as to progress with the budget for 2023-2024

10.4 Grant Applications: To consider the request for a contribution towards a Queen Elizabeth memorial sculpture from the Lord Lieutenant of Rutland attached


To discuss and vote on paper 2022/33Submitted by the Skate Park Working Group to approve in principle the siting of a skatepark on Centenary Field subject to a full formal planning process.


2022/1311/PTA 13 The Vale Oakham Rutland LE15 T10

1 no. Ash tree to be reduced by no more than 4 metres on the garden side only to clear it away from the garden

2022/1143/FUL Land Between Barleythorpe And Oakham Holbrook Way Barleythorpe

Replacement of House type 3402 with 3401 for plots 175-177 & 184-186 - in relation to planning approval 2021/0859/RES.

2022/1372/CAT The Lodge Stamford Road Oakham Rutland

Cut back 11 no. Yew Trees overhanging the boundary wall by up to 1 metre to minimise poisonous berries falling into the Children's Centre garden where children play.

2022/1375/FUL 25 Alsthorpe Road Oakham Rutland LE15 6FD

Rear extension and internal works

2022/0927/FUL 14 Catmose Park Road Oakham Rutland LE15 6HN

Single storey rear extension and new roof finish to existing, landscaping works and heat pump – Revised Plans


To discuss and vote on paper 2022/34 Submitted by Cllr Wadsworth regarding the use of Cutts Close for the Gay Pride Day in 2023.

To discuss and vote on paper 2022/29 Submitted by Cllr Wadsworth regarding the use of Cutts Close for Hollands Fair (Previously Submitted).


To consider the following resolution: “That, in view of the confidential nature of the following agenda item, the press and public be excluded from the meeting, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, section 1”


To discuss and vote on any recommendations following the Staffing meeting on 6th December 2022

16. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: 11th January 2023 @ 6.30pm


a) The meeting is open to the press & public.

b) The Town Council allows a short period of time at meetings of the Full Council when residents can put questions to the council. At other times, the public are not able to take part in the proceedings except at the discretion of the Chairman who may at a convenient time in the transaction of business adjourn the meeting and suspend standing orders to allow any member of the public to address the meeting and ask questions requiring answers of a factual nature

c) Mobile phones are to be turned off during the meeting

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Friars Park, Skate Park, Edwinstowe Parish Council,

Emails I receive often highlight Rutland and Oakham is not the only place where Councils don't listen to
their residents.

Here is an example of one received yesterday:

I notice your article from Sept 2012 regards Councillor John Peck, and was wondering if you had any other information on him and his corrupt ways.

We live in Edwinstowe on the new Barratt Homes site and for the last 5 months the Residents of Friars Park have had their lives turned upside down by the news of a Skate Park being built by our houses.

It all started when i just happened to go onto the Edwinstowe website to complain to the parish council about dog mess and litter.

Whilst i was on the website i thought i would have a quick look at the parish council minutes from recent meetings.

It was the Jan 2012 minutes that triggered a concern, it says (12/117 Agenda) Before any decision is made, public consultations will take place especially with the Residents in the vicinity of the desired location.

These minutes also mentions about the 400 Residents who signed the skate park petition in favour,  we have requested to see said petition and 61 of those were not post codes from Edwinstowe.

I sent an email to the Parish Council on 06/02/2013 asking them if they could tell me the site of the Desired location of the Skate Park, and their reply was "The site of the Skate Park has not been decided yet and any site will be subject to the usual planning permissions.

Once a site has been identified, but not yet finalised, Residents will be invited to a public consultation".

I have the emails as proof. One Sunday afternoon few weeks later the Residents of Friars Park received a news letter through their doors saying "Edwinstowe Skate Park A Dream Come True", and also suddenly mentions the that Jubilee Park is the location.

That afternoon myself and my wife put flyers through approximately half the Residents doors of Friars Park who we felt would be most affected.

We invited them for a Residents meeting on Jubilee Park the next evening and it was well turned out.

Since that day, we have been in regular contact with each other, having regular Residents meetings, attending Parish Council meetings, writing letters to Parish Councillors, District Councillors, and spending hours of time researching Skate Parks and also trying to get people to understand our concerns.

We feel we are not being listened to by our Parish Council, in particular, John Peck and Celia Brooks.

They will not listen to our concerns, and they constantly lie and make excuses to our questions.

John Peck has so many fingers in so many pies it is impossible for us to be heard.

We have also been lied to by Barratt Homes.

None of us knew about this Skate Park when we bought our houses.

The information pack that Barratts gave us, nor the sales office site plan mentioned the Skate Park.

The Residents are also constantly emailing Barratts for their reason behind hiding the Skate Park from buyers, of course we all know the answer to this question, but we want them to admit it, but again we do not get the answer

We have all said we would never have bought houses on this site had we known about the Skate Park.

There is much more we could discuss regarding this matter, but hopefully this gives you a good idea of what we are up against.

We would very much appreciate your views and advise on our predicament.

Regards ####  ######

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oakham Town Council and the Skate Park

Letchworth Town Council
1st Dec 2010:The Council set a zero council tax precept for 2011/2012 at its meeting on Tuesday 30th November 2010.

Could we see this happen at Oakham Town Council? I say yes

Many people tell me they can not see the point of this Council.

The recent chance for those local people to bring about change has come and gone.

There are 12 seats on Oakham Town Council and only 6 will be filled after May 5th with all 6 candidates includiing myself being elected unopposed not very democratic.

Before this time arrives much will happen amongst the other 5 members to try and find six friends to co-opt after May 9th.

Can I suggest if you are one of those people who can not see the point of this very expensive town council you put yourself forward for co-option and after you are appointed you make a legal resolution to disolve the council. I will support this resolution.

Councillor Dewis said the old boys club is closed, lets see it closed completely for the benefit of all local tax payers.

Oakham Town Council has for far to long held the view its job is to collect tax from hardworking people and spend as they please.

The  project to replace benches will cost thousands and is not needed.

At the last Council meeting the Clerk tried to direct £5,400 of public money towards another of his chums.
Fortunately  those members who attended realised this could not happen.

The Clerk asked for Standing Order 13(a) to be waived so the council did not have to get tenders for work on the skate park.

The Clerk kept reminding members we have the money in the budget,  which was wrong, his own recommendation clearly said they would have to find a large sum. This time he was not getting his own way.

Work on the Skate park will be tendered. The original contractor asked by the Clerk to provide a quote, the contractor spoke to the young people and drew up a very vague quote based on what work may be required and what the young people wanted. In the past this would not have been questioned. I am pleased it was and use this as an example of the issues relating to your money at Oakham Town Council.

The Clerks friend Cllr Sharon Spencer who is currently busy shredding documents before stepping down refused to vote.

The Clerks recommendation Appendices F(i)

Item 15- Skate Park

Recommendation to Members

The quotation for work to the skatepark (Appendix F) is for £4,500

Members are aware that there is £3445

(What follows shows very clearly the councils recently accepted budget is a pointless piece of paper you will see this from the next statement of the recommendation. I did not notice a budget heading marked cash to find later.)

available for such work made up of an earmarked reserve of £2445 and £1000 from current budget. As such additional funding of £1055 will have to be found if members agree to the recommendation.

The Clerk met with the builder and designer of the facility, Chris Straw of Flo SK8-PARKS, on site Tuesday 29th March. The Clerk say Mr Straw knows the facility better than anyone, having initially consulting on its design and then by building it.

Mr Straw has talked extensively to the users of the park and his quotation is for the work necessary to incorporate all the changes that have been suggested to them.

These are:

Removal of "flat bank" on the eastern side of the skate park and to replace with a "transition" which will mean that end of the park is the same as the other, ie one continuous curve.

Removal of box at side of the park

Extension if the middle "spine ramp" all the way across the skate park.

In addition, all the existing surfaces will be removed in order that the underlying plywood panels be replaced

(the next part puzzled members because there are no current issues and with the underlying plywood or cross beams and the clerk could only say if replacement was required there would be no extra cost. This suggest to me and them the contractor is over charging or being very kind and providing major works for free.)
While this work is being done the cross beams will then all be checked and replaced if necessary. The existing surfacing will then be reaffixed onto the new plywood. The work will also see the transition at the bottom of the rams completely replaced as these are starting to show signs of wear.

(Looking at the skate park I would suggest this is the only work that is really required all the rest appears to be work creation to me)

Mr Straw estimates that this work will take 2 people two weeks to complete. The price includes the removal from site of all waste and the erection of safety fencing whilst the work takes place.

Once the work is complete, Mr Straw estimates that no other work, apart from essential maintenance should be needed for another 3 or 4 years.

Since its construction in October 2007 very little maintenance work has been necessary at the facility. this is despite two harsh winters in the last two years. However, it now requires attention and by authorising this work, members will ensure that it remains safe as well as providing new challenges for all those who use it.

The recommendation to members is:

(i) That they waive Standing Order 13(a) which states that all expenditure shall be in accordance with the Council's Financial Regulation.

It surprises me it can be so easy for these rules to be scrapped. I am pleased members ignored his request sadly they allowed it for the reprinting of the heritage leaflets)

(ii) That they authorise the expenditure of £4500 for the works detailed and that the contract be awarded, without competition, to Flo SK8-Parks. The additional funds required are to be provided from the Council's General Fund.   (he forgot to the addition of VAT)

(Councils General Fund what is that? surplus money?)

Appendix F



March 31, 2011

Manor Farm
Manor Lane
United Kingdom
LE15 6JL

VAT 909 8929 65

Phone 07980 982 745  01572 770455


To Oakham Town Council


Maintain and Repair skatepark
Replace 3 damaged sheets and fix transition x 4
Remove flat bank and replace with transition
Extend spine 8' (2.4)
2 new copings for spine

Vat £900

Saturday, April 09, 2011

New Flodlight to be fitted at Oakham Skate Park Inspector Monks Contributes £100 from Police BCU Fund

A floodlight will soon be fitted at Oakham Skate park.

In return the young people have promised to refrain from using  the store front of Tesco late night.

Oakham Town Council is funding the installation and asked the young people to raise £100 towards the cost.

Cllr Lucas was disappointed with the way in which they raised the funds and felt PC Lloyd had incorrectly influenced this.

Cllr Alf Dewis was also disappointed I felt he would had preferred it if the young people had cleaned out Oakham sewers.

Cllr Adam Lowe does not agree, he said the young people have only done what they would have done and applied for a grant.

I suppose they could have opened a few gardens and raised around £80

Instead they were awarded a grant of £100 from the local police BCU Fund.

The purpose of the police BCU Fund:

· Tackling anti-social behaviour and disorder.

· Reducing volume, street, drugs related, violent and gun crime in line with local and national targets.

· Combating serious and organised crime operating across force boundaries.

· Increasing the number of offences brought to justice.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011