Showing posts with label Smallbone Library. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smallbone Library. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Art Scholars Show, Oakham School, Smallbone Library, Oakham, Rutland

The Art Scholars Show, Oakham School, Smallbone Library, Oakham, Rutland

Tuesday 1st to Saturday 12th November 2011

10am - 6pm

Free entry

An exhibition of recent work
by Oakham Art Scholars past
and present that shows their
skills and passion for Art, whether
they have just joined the school in
Form 3, or recently left to continue
the study of Art at university.

IB Visual Art Exhibition, Oakham School, Smallbone Library, Oakham, Rutland

IB Visual Art Exhibition, Oakham School, Smallbone Library, Oakham, Rutland

Monday 14th to Thursday 24th November 2011

10am - 6pm

Talks Wednesday 16th November, 1.30pm

Admission Free

Students taking Visual Arts for their International
Baccalaureate show the textiles, painting and printmaking
they have produced in exploration of contemporary issues
and world culture. On Wednesday of this mid-course
exhibition, Polina Sologub, Anna Allgaier and Lucy Childs
will talk about their work with visitors to the gallery.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Annual Art Staff Exhibition, Oakham School, Smallbone Library

The Annual Art Staff Exhibition, Oakham School, Smallbone Library

Saturday 26th November to Wednesday 14th December 2011

10.00am - 6pm

View a fresh set of works by:

Ann Dumphy
Wendy Greaves
Vladimir Pamihov
Simon Poppy
Ian Prendergrast
Cathy Smith

Their different skills - Painting, Printing, Sculpture and Textiles - are combined
in their common passion for creation of Art.

Admission Free