Showing posts with label Snowdon Avenue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snowdon Avenue. Show all posts

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Snowdon Avenue Oakham Rutland Photographs

The following comment posted yesterday, promted a visit to Snowdon Avenue on my birthday and mothering Sunday.

Anonymous said... This makes me fume! Btw Martin, I passed you today, near Jinky's. I thought you may have been on your way to take a photo or two of our new landmark in Snowdon Ave, nice. The word 'ghetto' springs to mind! (sadly)
April 02, 2011 9:50 PM
Here are a few of the snaps I took of the area mentioned, I will leave it up to the reader to decide what they think about the condition of the neighbourhood. 
I will say, I think its time Cllr Joyce Lucas and Cllr Charles Haworth did more for their community