Showing posts with label Street Market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Street Market. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Langham Rutland Street Market

Langham Rutland Street Market

Monday, August 26, 2013

Langham Rutland, Street Market, Photographs Bank Holiday Monday August 2013

Langham Rutland, Street Market, Photographs Bank Holiday Monday August 2013

Marilyn Monroe & Monk

The sun helped make the day. I took a walk to Langham and enjoyed the street market, it was good to be amongst a large friendly crowd. Quite a few greeted me by name, some I did not know, I hope that did n't show to much.

I liked the Anti Rutland County Council stand. I have often sat in Rutland County Council's
meetings listening to the Tory Cllrs Begy and King attack Cllr Nick Wainwright,
accusing him of not truly expressing residents views or those of the parish council.
Listening to some comments it was very clear Cllr Wainwright was telling the truth, some
people think Rutland County Council 'stinks'

It's good to see the village taking control of its own future by attempting to produce a local plan.

I once mentioned the local plan and questioned Cllr Dewis at Oakham Town Council, Why is Oakham
not producing a local plan, just like our other town Uppingham? He replied "they will regret it in the future"

I think Oakham Town Council is already regretted, maybe that is why their not bothering?

When I first moved to Oakham we used to have many nice days like the one I enjoyed in Langham, but
sadly our Town Council has destroyed most of them. Including the Carnival.

Cllr Lucas is looking forward to Wrinkle Rock performing on 22nd September in Cutts Close, she said its "going to be a party, I shall bring my wine" not much to look forward to here in Oakham a bunch of current
and past old councillor dancing under the influence. I guess as in the past I will get some amusing photos.

Any way back to Langham, I communicated my approval of the Anti Rutland County Council stand, to a resident via Facebook and received the following response.

Sorry must have missed you. 
Glad you liked the stand, we are trying to protect the village from Rutland County Council and their developer friends that want to ruin this fair county.

Langham Village Hall, some people were raising funds for the hall

The WI (pity the bag handle was in the way)

The Noel Arms had a man singing in Orange under the Orange parasol.

Old Guys Rule, Pure Genius, Albert Einstein, Camera 

Lancaster and Spitfire

A special toilet was available for any visiting Rutland County Councillor or Staff


Guinness Stout

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Langham, Street Market, Bank Holiday Monday

Langham, Street Market, Bank Holiday Monday

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Stamford, Street Market, Photographs, South West Lincolnshire

Main street market is on a Friday with a smaller Saturday market and once a fortnight there is a farmers' market.

  Smith's Smokery, Oak Smoked Food


Stamford, Street Market, Photographs, South West Lincolnshire.