Showing posts with label cuts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cuts. Show all posts

Friday, February 15, 2013

Rutland County Council, Reducing Councillor Training Development, Cuts

Rutland County Council, Reducing Councillor Training Development, Cuts

As part of Rutland County Councils proposed budgets cuts of £1.5 m

It is proposing to cut training of Councillors, surely a good cut for Rutland County Council.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rutland County Council is to review litter bins to cut costs

Rutland County Council is to review litter bins to cut costs.

Oakham Town Council may have agreed to purchase a litter bin, and sited it near to a high street bus stop.

Rutland County Council has said it can not adopt the bin as it can not afford to get it emptied and it is also planning  a reduction of current litter bins.

I wonder how if you employ a person to sweep the pavement does it cost more or less to empty a litter bin?

Can I suggest Rutland County Council start looking at cuts that would effect those in high places.

For example the private hire of  a car and driver for the Chairman of the Council.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Oakham Town Council Join The Real World at Last

Oakham Town Council Join The Real World at Last!

At the last meeting of Oakham Town Council, Councillors voted not to award the Town Clerk another pay rise. Although details of the staffing committee review are kept a tight secret from the public, Councillor Dewis did reveal the recommendations included there would no pay rise for the next two years for the Town Clerk or his assistant.

I believe Oakham could not justify the annual increase, it appeared it had become the norm and expected, I remember the last time I was a councillor the Clerk said his contract entitled him to a annual pay rise and there was nothing I could do about it. I was never shown his contract despite a request. I can only assume his comment was not accurate.

Many people who have jobs or being forced to take a huge pay cuts or even loosing their jobs to cuts.

I recently spoke to a member of staff, employed by Rutland County Council who was forced to take on  a new role with pay cut of £3,000 a year. Not any easy thing to do when you have mortgage and bills to pay, certainly better than no job, like so many who have suffered the axe at Rutland County Council.

Monday, February 21, 2011

ROSE (Rutland Over Sixties Engagement) Rutland County Council Cuts Funding

a forum called ROSE (Rutland Over Sixties Engagement) has had all funding from Rutland County Council withdrawn.

Councillor Mr Brian A Montgomery (Independent) - WHISSENDINE WARD said he was very disappointed.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Rutland Play arears axe falls!

Flag of RutlandImage via Wikipedia
The Rutland Times reports plans to another £100,000 of new play equipment to be installed in Ketton and Whissendine  has been scrapped.

Rutland County Councillor for Whissendine Brain Montgomery said he was "absolutely furious"

A day later it is absolutely fabulous news for Ketton  Rutland Radio News reported The government had given Ketton a reprieve.

I hope the children of Ketton look after their new equipment unlike the children of Oakham!
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