Showing posts with label governance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label governance. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Oakham Town Council Substantial governance dysfuntion

I finally received information

regarding two complaints made against me
Well done Rutland County Council.

They are related to my blog and face book both my private internet activities.

After Recieving complaints from former Councillor Jim Harrison .
and Councillor Charles Haworth.

Considering Mr Haworths Complaint:The Sub-Committee decided there could be a possible breach of the code of conduct

Treating others with respect-paragraph 3(1)

Frankley this is a joke. I have never been treated with any respect by Mr Haworth or any of his mates.
The Standards Committee then go onto say:

This case taken together with other assessed cases involving many members of Oakham Town Council indicates an inter-relatonship of cases so serious or complex that they could not be handled locally; investigating the complaints requires substantial amounts of evidence beyond that available from the authority's documents, its members or officers; There is substantial governance dysfunction in the authority.

The complaint has been refered to Standard For England

The Complaint made by ex Cllr Jim Harrison

This I find most annoying I made a complaint long before Mr Harrsons and have never been told the outcome.

The complaint has also been passed to Standards to England.

One of the complaints relates to my complaint, he complains I published details about the images he provided to the Rutland Chat Forum.

Even though he said sorry after, I traced the images to his photobucket account. If he was still a councillor I would be complaining about his current blog about me Jims Tea Break and its defamatory content. The nasty thug suggest I am a danger to young people. Standards for England will take his blog as evidence.

Two of my complaints have been refered to Standards for England.

The committee suggests councillor Alf Dewis may have breach the following code of conduct.

Treating others with respect - paragraph 3(1)
Bulling any person - paragraph 3(2)9b)

Pity it does not say homophobic bullying.

The Commitee refers my complaint against Cllr Joyce Lucas for the same reasons

I await the outcome of my complaints I made last year.

Cllr Martin Brookes