Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Standards Descision Notice SBE-10896-DR2XV Oakham Town Council

Standards for England

Subject member Cllr Alf Dewis

Member's Authority Oakham Town Council

Complainant Cllr Martin Brookes

Standards committee authority Rutland County Council


On 28th May 2010, the assessment sub-committee of Rutland County Councils standards committee decided to refer the above allegation to Standards for England. It was received by Standards for England on 17 June 2010.

The allegation is summarised in the authority's decision notice.


When a standards committee refers an allegation to Standards for England, it must make one of three decisions.

refer the case to one of its ethical standards officers;

refer the allegation back to the standards committee of the relevent authority; or

take no further action.

Having carefully considered the information provided to it, Standards for England has decided, in accordance with section 58(2) of the local government act 2000, as amended, to take no further action.

Reason for decision

The complainant has alledged that the subject member has breached the Code by goading the complainant and accusing him of stealing at a meeting of Oakham Town Council.

No details are provided of the date of the meeting of the Town Council. The subject member is member is alleged to have asked why the complainant sat next to him and, at the end of the meeting, accused the complainant of stealing from the Town Council. No further details are provided of the subject members conduct.

(I provided full details to RCC strange this has gone astray maybe to police officer present can assist  many people saw his conduct and my angry response towards the vile bully)

Whilst an unfounded accusation about "stealing " may constitute disreputable behaviour on behalf of a member, in the absence of any supporting details about the alleged conduct I do not consider that any breach of the code is disclosed on behalf of the subject member

I have decided to take no further action in relation to this allegation.