Sunday, September 05, 2010

Leicester Pride Victoria Park Photographs


Leicester Pride 2010
Victoria Park

A Drag Queen Takes A Jog
in Victoria Park


Mix Munkies & Marky B

James owner of Dover Castle, Rainbow Dove and Helsinki
having fun with his staff

For Evil To Triumph
All that is necessary
is good people to do

Fun Fair at Leicester Pride

Real Lesbians
dont need


Nikk Mager X Factor Finalist

Pride Celebrated with style

Sean Smith
Britains Got Talent

Lee Bennett

Beer and a fag at Pride

I Kissed A Girl

Bitchy Witch

Inspector R Widdownson
Leicestershire Police

Leicester Pride Photographer

Leicester Police at Pride

Lots of cute dogs at Pride

Cheeky Girls

Health and Well Being Road Show
and Chill Out?

Chill Out my friends blood preasure rose to bursting point
when they took the smokers test and the reading went
of the scale it was all doom and gloom from the
NHS advisor who handed my friend
a card and said give me a call.

Royal Navy Cadet and Rutland Police Officer

BBC Leicester Bourne Sports Presenter

Test Tube Shots

Rainbow Dove Bar


No Fear

Helsinki  Pride

Rainbow Dove left         Dover Castle Right


The Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor Councillor Colin Hall

Councillor Colin Hall

Leicester City Council

the public service union

Pasante Condom

Rainbow Voices - the county's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender choir

Leicester Police enjoy taking photographs

Leicester Police having fun

Leicester Mayor, good to see he has
purchased a new belt so he
kept his trousers on today

A Happy Pride

Nightingale Club Leicester

Have you got  a WKD side man

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