Thursday, February 18, 2010

Councillor Martin Brookes Oakham Town Council

I hold no extreme political views and very much look forward to being a servant to the community here in Oakham, as a hard working representative and an ordinary citizen.

It is unfortunate that Jim Harrison feels unable to continue to serve as a member of Oakham Town Council.

However I have suffered an extended campaign of personal abuse, assault.

On Monday I received a tasteless, unpleasant and anonymous piece of hate mail, before I had even been officially confirmed in my position as a councillor.

During the night a funeral plan was delivered to my home address.

I have reported these incidents to the police and trust the culprits will be dealt with/found.

It is extraordinary that trivial and petty personal animosity should be allowed to play such a prominent part in local politics.

I very much hope that we shall be able to focus on the real issues of Oakham Town.

It is my view that councillors are expected to rise above petty personal trivia in order to serve the community effectively. And I intend to do so. If I stick to this I can not see why other councillors can not work with me.