Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Oakham Town Council is looking for new Councillors

Oakham Town Council is looking for new Councillors

Becoming a councillor can be a most rewarding experience. It could give you the opportunity to help your local community.

Being a councillor is a great way to gain political experience and useful skills in public speaking, debating and problem solving.

New councillors are good news. They bring fresh ideas and fresh enthusiasm, and that is good news for your council.

To be eligible you must be:

•A British subject or a citizen of the Irish Republic or the EU and resident in the UK.
•At least eighteen years old on the day you are nominated.
•Either on the electoral register for the council area in which you are seeking election, or have lived or worked in that council area for at least the last twelve months.

No election has been called for the two vacant seats in Oakham South East. Oakham Town Council has, therefore, been given permission to co-opt two people on to the Council.

For some unkown reason it has chose to delay co-opting this wont give much time to advertise and fill the seat's.

If Oakham Town Council fails to fill the seats in time Rutland County Council will be responsible for the appointments.

If you wish to register a interest please contact Oakham Town Council:


Oakham South East