Saturday, April 10, 2010

Open Letter to Oakham Town Council

Dear Oakham Town Council. Councillors

Questions for next meeting.

1. Please can you explain how the chairman of Oakham Town Council can discuss the new rent? when unfit and unable to attend any meetings at the council, As a trustee of the landlords is this also not a conflict of interest?

2. Has Cllr Jan Fillingham attended the legally required number of meetings this year to continue to act as councillor and chairman from her home?

3. Has Cllr George Swiffin attended the legally required number of meetings this year to continue to act as councillor.

4. In the draft minutes of the meeting of Oakham Town Council held on Wednesday April 7th 2010 Why is it stated, In the absence of the Chairman, it was unanimously agreed that the Vice Chairman, Cllr Sharon Spencer chair the meeting? I was not asked, so it is not unanimous.

5. It is normal for the chair to walk into the room state its 7 pm and move straight to the apologies. then for some every bizarre reason we asked to vote on. Why this a not the position of chair?

End of questions

I now move onto the conduct of the public at meetings this includes a majority of former members of this council. Their conduct is unacceptable. Leaving during the meeting causing such a disturbance to the council meeting is unacceptable.

Being threatened during a meeting by a member of the public is totally unacceptable.

I refer to former councillor Mr Kelly.

Mr Kelly entered the room stood in front of me and stared at me, his manner appeared very angry,

I made to response.

Mr Kelly sat staring at me during the meeting.

After I looked at Mr Alan Kelly 3 times he made a verbal threat.

At this point Councillor Joyce Lucas asked me from across the room to look at her.

It is at this point I feel strongly the chairman should have asked former councillor Alan Kelly to leave the meeting.

As Oakham Town Council is not willing to protect its members, I will have to do this myself.

If Mr Kelly is present at any future meetings, I will be calling the police and will ask them to remove him.

Residents Request

Mr Patrick a resident in my ward, has asked me to raise a petition to abolish Oakham Town Council.

I do not personally think a petition works.

I would like to advise him correctly.

It is my understanding voters can call for a vote and a required number of electors is required to call for the election.

This was carried out in the Portsmouth area earlier this year.

Please can you advise me of the correct procedure.

Due to recent events, I am fully supporting Mr Patrick's request.

I personally see Oakham Town Council as a exclusive members club that is costing the tax payer far to much money.

Our own audit report states we need to serve the public better.

It is my view the council does not serve the public.

We have one Councillor who holds surgeries in her own home this is to be commended, when the Town Clerk tells me it is not normal for Oakham Town Councillor to meet the public they are meant to serve, in this way.

I have arranged my own surgery it will be held on Saturday 17th April in the street outside Victoria Hall, due to the Town Clerks health and safety concerns. At 10 am - 1 pm

From Cllr Martin Brookes