Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Oakham Town Annual Meeting

The Oakham Town Annual Meeting

This meeting could be a very useful tool for members of the public to put there views on town issues to the Council.

Sadly the meeting started with an attempt to personally attack me by former Cllr Mr Beech and others.

One other member of the public managed to raise a very valid concern about the taxi rank in the town.

By the end of the meeting Mr Beech’s manner and his conduct towards another member of the public had become totally unacceptable and he was ejected at my request by the police.

The Mayor/Chairman was absent, Cllr Jan Fillingham sent a report this was distributed.

Mrs Fillingham ex Mayor Left

She reported she was diagnosed with cancer in January 2010, I found this confusing I had been told this was diagnosed last year and my complaints against her was the cause.

She then goes on to express personally the end of her tenure had not been a good experience, although it has been a pleasure to serve this community.

Cllr Fillingham states one of the most enjoyable events of the year was when the Town Council, assisted by RCC, gave Freedom of Entry to Oakham to RAF Cottesmore. It reinforced the community worked together, they will be sadly missed!
RAF Cottesmore is set to close.

She also enjoyed the Christmas Shopping evening organised by our Town Manager Linda Todd ably assisted by her events team and by no means least Richard White, Oakham Town Clerk.

I guess they can afford the over priced market many can't......

She recalls the many achievements of the year.

When she finally officially, opened the New Public toilets, I remember hearing the first flush on Rutland Radio a very proud moment for Oakham, we even received a mention on the breakfast show on Gaydar Radio (Gaydar Radio for those who don’t know is a very popular station broadcasting from London on SKY DAB and around the world on-line.) Oakham Town Council has also paid to enter this years ‘Loo of the Year’

She then mentions new lighting in Chapel Close; this was installed after an Oakham School pupil was attacked in the dark of the night.

Oakham acquired three new bus shelters with some help from RCC Highways and she hopes a further two will be forthcoming in 2010

The Town Council was short listed for some ‘Play builder funding’ for older children which enabled us to install some new equipment in Royces.

I thanked the Town Council for this Royce Recreation Field is in the ward myself, Cllr Lucas and Cllr Haworth serve.

Oakham in Bloom won a British Gold Award Certificate.

She then mentions the repair of the Bandstand in Cutts Close and hopes it will be finished soon.

£30,000 of tax payer’s money wasted in my view!

She then moves onto to attack Rutland County Council referring to the biggest carbuncle in the middle of our tow’s conservation area. She states ‘They appear to be going out to consultation but this is just lip service for the necessary government requirement. Tesco will destroy our High Street.

I believe some traders do that for themselves over priced goods I was looking at socks in one of only a few place that sell them, £27 a pair!

You would never guess she lives next to Tesco and has never shopped in the store and find the Co-op wines and spirits department extremely good value.

She then goes on to state she believes our town has held up pretty well during this on going recession.

This is not what the good traders of Oakham tell me weather it’s a struggling coffee shop or book shop and the two shops closing down in Mill Street.

She says visitors don’t come to Oakham!

Of course they don’t but I am often asked by visitor for directions to a proper supermarket.

She then expresses an interest to know what Rutland County Council will be getting out of this.

I am sure this go a long way to improve relationships between the County and Parish Council. A member recently reported this had improved. I am not sure if that is true I clearly remember a now ex Cllr stating Rutland County Council are bullies. I think it is the other way around.

The only thing I agree with our former Mayors Statement is ‘Trees are cut down Willy Nilly!

It is very sad people feel they have to chop so many down. Our own tree warden wrongly stated you can’t prune magnolia trees so the council passed another death sentence on another tree.

I publicly state I am pleased Cllr Fillingham is no longer the Towns Mayor and She is no longer our Chairman often I am told in private her drunken behaviour is an embarrassment. But I should keep quiet and not mention the problem. I wish her a speedy recovery. I am not a bully and detest her for condoning the bullying I have been subjected to over the past year. I shall never forget her words ‘You deserve all you get Martin!’