Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oakham Town Council Town Meeting and AGM and Tesco

Tonight's AGM was advertised just in time, so I won't be seeking for the meeting to be adjourned.

The press published incorrect details.

The 6pm Meeting is The Annual Town Meeting. this is held in Victoria Hall.

This year the police have been invited and will be attending.

At this meeting the Mayor will read a report and questions can be asked by member of the public.
Cllrs are not obliged to attend. (I am told the Mayor will not be attending and the meeting will be chaired by the current deputy.)

I will be attending this meeting as a member of the public.

The meeting is Followed by the Oakham Town Council AGM.

At this meeting Councillors will elect a new Chairman and Mayor, they will also elect a new Deputy Chairman and Deputy Mayor.

Other appointments will be made.

This morning I served   Oakham Town Council with a Notice.

I approached Cllr  Joyce Lucas and for advice relating to the election.

Cllr Joyce Lucas said I can not nominate and Cllr Sharon Spencer will become Chairman and Mayor because that is normal here.

Cllr Joyce Lucas breached standing orders 56(a) and 56(b) and therefore Cllr Sharon Spencer is disqualified as a candidate.

This Saturday All Councillors will be available for a special surgery to seek the public views and opinions relating to the Tesco Expansion.

So please call into the Chamber  Saturday between 10.00am and 2.00pm

This is not a meeting for Cllrs to express their personal view it is purely to here yours.

The more constructive the better.

We have already received a number of comments in the box. We need more input Tesco get out of town is not very helpful.

Oakham Town Council has been granted an extension so we can accommodate this public consultation.