Saturday, May 22, 2010

Royce Recreation Ground Oakham

Dear Members.

After today's opening please could the large ring swing be removed.

After looking at the impact damage of the first ring I became concerned about the equipments safety. You will notice the weld did not break a chunk of the steel tube was ripped away.

Yesterday I observed the use of the equipment or its misuse. I see the effects of the impact of the replacement ring when it hits the frame. The young people are swinging with a great deal of force, when the ring hits the frame impact is so great the whole structure moves. I am very concerned we wont just end up with a crumpled steel ring.

If a head or limb of a young person strikes the supporting frame the consequences could be dire.

I am told other equipment can be fitted to the frame, Can I suggest the ring is replaced with something that can not be pushed to hit the frame with such force.


Cllr Martin Brookes