Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Oakham Festival Highlight by Helen Pender

Helen Pender

Invites All

to a comedy highlight of
the festival

Oakham Town Council Meeting Tonight

Not sure the tax payer if they
attended would find the
meetings funny,

Town Council meeting 23 June 2010 at 7 pm

In the Chair tonight will be the redoubtable Cllr Joyce Lucas who so ably chaired the Tesco Council meeting on 26th May, which impressed all residents attending. One comment after that meeting was: @It was better than the Vicar of Dibley' - that from **********. How well observed ***********! It was certainly a most memorable evening.

If there's nothing much on television tonight this meeting might be worth a visit too. It is after all festival week and I can't see any comedy evenings listed elsewhere on the programme.

Clllr Joyce Lucas