Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oakham Town Council Four New Complaints

I have just been notified another four complaints against OTC are being sent Standards Committee.

These complaints are being raised by a member of the public who has observed meetings for sometime now and raises issues relating to incorrect procedure and behaviour of members.

this person also wrote to Oakham Town Council some time ago to complain about The Town clerk Richard White. They told me the Council has not responded to that letter.

I Also wrote a letter to the council complaining about the Town Clerk, this was also ignored.

I also wrote and complained about the bullying I am subjected to from Cllr Dewis this letter was ignored

I complained to The Standards Committee about The Town Clerk and the monitoring officer said Oakham town council were responsible for him.

Mr White seems to be immuned from complaint and shouts bully if you blog. I suggest he gets on with his overpaid job and maybe gets on with some learning stop giving wrong advice to the public and myself.

Oakham Town Council clearly only abides by laws that suit them. Example last staffing meeting only two clear working days notice was posted.

This club known as Oakham Town Council needs sorting urgently!

It needs to get on with serving and stop supporting the ex councillors and the mob up the road. ex Cllr Jim Harrison is suported, this vile man posts, I am a danger to young people totally unfounded and I am sure he fully understand the likely result of his actions. Twice in the past 7 days I have been called a peodo by local youths and all the police can say is write to him!

Oakham Town Council needs to sort out the long term absence. Two seats could be filled by active people who want to serve. Of course the bullies like Cllr Dewis and Cllr Haworth are happy the seats are inactive because they cant be stopped in there tracks.

Cllr Dewis is happy to ignore notice served on him and is happy to push me around knowing he wont be charged by the local police.


Cllr Martin Brookes