Monday, June 07, 2010

Oakham Town Partnership Saturday Evening Event

Oakham’s Nostalgic Evening

Saturday evening the high street was closed to traffic along with the market place.

The evening event was organised by the Oakham Town Partnership, Cllr Peter Jones said he was pleased to see people enjoying a very relaxed evening. The crowds were entertained with music from a huge organ, vintage cars and tractors were on display.

Market Towns Manager from Rutland County Council was also on hand to help and enjoy a pint or a glass of wine with here fellow helpers.

A number of Rutland County Councillors could be seen amongst the crowds including the Leader of Rutland County Council and the Mayor of Oakham Town Council.

MP Alan Duncan and James also attended.

Rutland County Councillors  Cllr King, Cllr Jones and far right Cllr Wells

Leader Of Rutland County Council Roger Beggy Chats to Locals