Sunday, August 22, 2010

Beating of the Retreat Oakham September 8th 6.30 pm

Beating of the Retreat returns to the
Market Place Oakham
Wednesday 8th September 2010
6.30 pm

All Welcome

The Life Guards Band will perform

Oakham's Mayor Cllr Sharon Spencer will
attend and leave to chair a delayed
Town Council Meeting

There will be collection for the ABF The soldiers Charity
(formally the: The Army Benevolent Fund - the Army's official charity)

I am always keen to support charity but this event concerns me, last year it collected less in the buckets than the cost of the reception held for invited dignitaries at Oakham Castle after the public event.

It is my understanding charities like these are set up to raise money for the very justified deserving causes they claim to support.

So I ask any so called local dignitaries who attends think carefully if you are invited to a free reception this year. NOTHING IN THIS WORLD IS FREE

The cost of last years reception would have help pay  for Big Brother's Steve's  better legs, he wants and needs and he is covered by this  branch of the charity.

Maybe the organisers should sell tickets to cover the cost and raise some cash for this worthy cause.

How about it Mr ********? and don't you dare approach me this year and tell me I am not welcome at this public event! I don't take threats anymore!


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