Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Oakham Town Council and Kompan Play Equipment

Oakham Town Council has just installed some new play equipment into Cutts Close Oakham

The equipment is designed for older children.
and supplied by Kompan

Oakham Town Council received a bribe or was that
an incentive? to award this contract to this company.
Kompan gave Oakham Town Council one piece free
because they were awarded the £50,000
contract for the equipment installed at Royce
recreation ground early this year.

At a recent meeting of this dysfunctional authority
the Town Clerk Richard White told members it is a legal
requirement for the council to tender for such  a
large spend. I am guessing he was looking after his own interest there
Any investigation into council affairs and he can say I told
councillors about their obligations.
Rather late in the day! to do this as the council
had already summited plans to English Heritage
and spent thousands in costs, if the Councillors had 
decided to tender then they would have had to pay again.
so Councillors voted to break the law and not tender for this contract.

It is my understanding they also failed to tender for the
Royce Contract

Is not time the local Tax Payers
took on this Council!

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