Thursday, September 23, 2010

Oakham Town Council Toilet Leak

Oakham Town Council Toilet Leak

For the record I would like to state the confidential information, I received and blogged regarding Oakham Town Councils contract with the Toilet Cleaner was not provided by any town councillor.

The information was freely given by the Town Clerk Richard White.

By sharing this information with me I feel the Council should consider this gross misconduct.

The details given were discussed in the previous meeting and were considered confidential and commercially sensitive.  A local government act was enforced an and Councillors voted to exclude public and press.

The following resolution was proposed and seconded:
RESOLVED:  That pursuant to the provisions of section 1(2) of the Admission to Meetings Act 1960, in view of the next items to be conducted, the press and public to be excluded from the meeting.

or was it this who knows with Oakham Town Council?

“That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the
following item(s) of business on the grounds that if the public were present it would be likely that exempt
information under Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act of the descriptions against each item would be
disclosed to them”

If a Councillor had discussed this matter with me they would be in serious trouble.

It seems there is no one monitoring Town Clerks and they can do and say as they please.

In a recent case at Rultand Parish Council,a councillor was critical of the Clerk and the clerk complained to standards and the Councillor said sorry and the complaint was withdrawn.

I have locked at this councils web site it comes across as a very unfriendly council.

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