Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Oakham Town Councillors Reports

Oakham Town Councillors gave reports at tonight's meetings relating to their outside activities.

Cllr Alf Dewis reported on his and Cllr Joyce Lucas meeting with the commander of RAF Cottesmore.

This was regarding the future closure of the base and the effect this will have for Oakham.

He stated the Commander is still awaiting the outcome of the Armed Forces Strategic Review and the Comprehensive Spending Review.

He was  able to confirm whatever the outcome of those reviews the Harrier would be leaving the base next April.

Cllr Dewis said it was very important for the Town Council to and be more pro active start promoting Oakham.

Tourism should be a priority.

Cllr Maureen Dodds reported on the Parish Forum meeting at RCC and explained how a Uppingham Town Councillor had a difference of opinion with The Leader of Rutland County Council Roger Begy and another County Councillor.

She also said she felt Rutland County Council should instruct their staff to only put on informative and interesting presentations at future meetings.

She said David Troy was boring and one of the worse presentations she had ever endured.

She also said Langham Parish Councillor raised the issue of a permanent travellers site in the county.

She the moved onto Voluntary Action Rutland.

VAR are concerned about room rentals and the low amount of lettings.

They also raised the issue of assisted transport a very good service provided to transport people to hospital.
They may need to increase the contribution from the users.

VAR also is suffering staffing issues due to ill health and future retirement.

There is also a serious problem of vandalism to their property

Concerns have also been raised about future funding.

Cllr Lucas then reported as Tree Warden.

She reported 20 trees had been lost in her ward (North West Oakham) this year.

I am wondering what the figure is for the rest of Oakham I wont ask because she will only tell me not interested its not my part of town.

She would like all Councillor to be Pro Active  (pro active is the new town council slogan I think) for National Tree Week 23rd November - 5th  December.