Monday, October 04, 2010

Martin Brookes Blog Thank You 50,000 + visitors

Since my first blog post on the 29th January 2010 a lot has happened.

Town Councillor and Rutland County Council and their mob have attempted to close my blog down.

Rutland County Council even threatened to ban me from the library. Total disgrace!

So I purchased my own Internet access.

Of course the intimidation continues I won't and don't let it get to me.

Some time ago, I gave Rutland County Council details of a trace to a Rutland County Council Computer after filth was posted on my blog. The legal department said they would get back to me did they hell! They think I am stupid, I know the details I provided them down to the service provider was enough for them to find the culprit.

50,000 plus views is not bad for a boring little blog. The counter was put on a few months later so I can say 50,000 plus now.

If anyone delves into the world of blogging they will know mine is very tame. I wonder what the mob is scared off.

Further facts Keywords most often googled is a bit scary Martin Brookes Oakham and second most common is Pinders Circus, Cllr Maureen Dodd s may have been on to something when she suggested the fee was increased for their next visit to Oakham she was quickly shut up by the town clerk. personally think that was a proposal made by a Councillor and ignored by the Council. £200 for a venue for a week these days is nothing
Pinders are searched from all over the world.

Other keywords that contain my name and rude words find my blog, thanks Google.

One third of the daily visitors are repeat visits. the rest are new.

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