Monday, November 15, 2010

After Mr Tyers Disgusting Behaviour at Sunday's Remembrance Service Oakham Letter sent to Oakham Town Council

After Mr Tyers Disgusting Behaviour at Sunday's Remembrance Service Oakham Letter sent to Oakham Town Council.

Oakham Town Council
Victoria Hall

Dear Members,

I am writing to ask members if they find threats or threatening behaviour acceptable?

I refer to Mr Tyers husband of Ex Cllr Sue Tyers.

Who threatened to punch my lights out, outside All Saints Church Oakham yesterday. I would like to make it very clear I did not approach Mr Tyers.  Whilst attempting to photograph he approached me in the middle of the road, told me to Fuck Off, I was not wanted around here and repeated his verbal abuse, practically spat the word in my face, as i tried to take back my space he said if I touched him he would put my lights out.

This was far worse than Mr Beech's behaviour at beating of the retreat in 2009.

I also received vile offensive threats from the former Art 4 Rutland committee member Mr Carey, he later resigned
I do not behave like these people.

It is very clear to me the following people are involved and support the actions of the above and the unknown people. who are clearly protected by the local police. RCC provided details to Inspector Monks relating to a person using council computer to send me messages of a homophobic and sexual nature and he has decided to take no action this is unacceptable.

Cllr Alf Dewis
Cllr Joyce Lucas
Cllr Charles Haworth
Cllr Alan Walters (This man is certainly going to find out who the F*ck I am)
Cllr Sharon Spencer
Ex Cllr Kelly
Ex Cllr Beech
Ex Cllr Tyers
Ex Cllr Fillingham
Ex Cllr Harrison
Mr Tyers
Mr Carey
Mr Ricahard White (Town Clerk)

All the current councillors  consider their positions.

Do not tell me like Richard White the people attacking me are no longer councillors. So it is not Oakham Town Council, does he thinks I am stupid people and also me have have ears and eyes and we see who socialises together.

I told some Councillors have admitted to standards they obstructed me as a councillor of course I can not name them because of the law. They decided they could not trust me from day one and obstructed me from day one.

Oakham Mayor Sharon Spencer delayed letting me sign my paper until the last moment. At the request of people like Mr Beech, The Town Clerk told me he visited on the evening of my first meeting and demanded what he was going top do with me.

Locks were added simple correspondence was withheld from me.

What gave these people the right to say  I could not be trusted?

It is clear Mr Tyers was attempting to cause a breach of the peace on Sunday afternoon.

And I am disgusted the police just took his card and allowed him to attend the church service. I am attending the police station later today and I will be asking for this matter to be dealt with, I have already lodge a formal complaint with the police standards regarding the police failing to take action yesterday when I made a complaint. I will also be asking them to look into the matter of the filth and threats sent to me via the postal service.

Finally when these so called dignitaries get together for another dinner whether it be at Richard Adams home, I hope they will talk about Mr Tyers instead of me!


Martin Brookes