Thursday, November 18, 2010

Oakham Town Council Standards Complaint Rutland Garden Centre

Dear Mr Pook

Oakham Town Council Standards Complaint

At last nights council meeting most of Oakham Town Council members declared an interest by declaring they were close friends or knew the applicant relating to the Rutland Garden Centre. Also the applicant was previously employed by the Town Council as the assistant clerk. The Clerk also declared an interest.
As none of these members have declared an interest in the past I wish to raise a standards complaint.
Rutland Garden Centre benefits from a very lucrative and frankly expensive contract. Now it is clear why, the town pays what can only be considered retail prices for the baskets and watering.
When I was a Councillor I questioned this contract and was told by the clerk no one else was interested.
I find this shocking and require standards too take action. Because of the confusion last night I have not included the names of councillors in case of error in this email I suggest you refer to the parish members interest register.
Last meeting Cllr Walters made his view known to many groups comes to the council and expect guaranteed hand out.
I believe this is the same with contractors. You only have to look at how poorly the toilet cleaning contract was awarded.
And dare I go back to the bandstand. This council or the Clerk? Is corrupt and no one will stop it.
Martin Brookes


Oakham Town Councils planning and general purposes committee met last night
They discussed a number of applications this included.
APP/2010/1138/PG Rutland Garden Centre
Retrospective application for change of use of part of first floor of retail unit from storage to living accommodation.
Rutland Garden Centre Rutland Village Ashwell Road
At this point the meeting turned into a complete shambles mess!
All but four member declared a personal and prejudicial interest.
It took some time for them to leave the chamber along with the clerk.
Who all knew the applicant as she was once the assistant town clerk employed by Oakham Town Council. And it was also stated she was a close friend.
This is a very interesting development because this has never been declared at any time in the past.
The garden centre receives huge sums of money for the hanging baskets and watering throughout the summer.
When I was a councillor I question the high cost and the possibility of tendering and the clerk told me no one else was interested.
I can not see why when the contract runs into thousands of pounds it is a very lucrative contract.
Any way when they finally departed the chamber the remainder did not seem to want to deal with the application.
The members needed to elect a chairman so Cllr Dewis proposed. Cllr Charles Haworth because he was a senior member. He accepted of course this is total rubbish all town councillors are meant to be equal clearly not the case at Oakham Town Council.
Cllr Dewis was unhappy the council was being asked to consider the application, because they had not considered the original.
What does he not understand about a retrospective planning application? It means the applicant has already implemented the change without planning consent or any previous application.
Members were not happy to consider the application because it was outside the parish boundary and it was suggested it was solely a matter for Ashwell Parish Council.
The four members agreed not to comment on the application. It was clear they did not want to upset anyone.
As they returned to their original seats Cllr Haworth suggested they could have considered the matter further if they had ambition to expand their territory .
Cllr Alf Dewis added yes back into Leicestershire!