Friday, November 26, 2010

Rutland County Council Questions?

I wish to ask the following questions at next full Rutland County Council District Council meeting

It surprises me Rutland County Council needs to appoint 3 officers to monitor my Blog!
In these times of spending cut backs.

Can the Council explain why it feels the need to use use public resourses in this way?

Do Rutland County County seriously find me or my blog a threat?


Please can you confirm the date of the next full meeting at which I can ask my questions.

email from Mr Pook


Hello Mr Brookes.

Theresa Stokes has passed on your information from earlier.

I think you are mixing two different issues.  I have never said that access to your website has been blocked to all Council computers.  In fact there are three desktop PCs which are not blocked (there used to be none blocked).  They have been left to enable three specified officers to gain access to monitor the contents on an occasional basis from the point of view of the Council's own functional interests.  Any access from these PCs would be gained through the controlled IP address for the main building.  No posting would ever be made from these PCs.

This is entirely separate from the Library and wireless connections with which we have been concerned.

Geoff Pook