Sunday, November 21, 2010

Today my anonymous commentator (s) is very angry, full of hate, poor thing.

Today my anonymous commentator (s)  is very angry, full of hate,  poor thing.
They say I am Evil, inhuman?

They say I resigned due to the notice board incident and they exaggerate what happened once again. I did not resign because of this, I resigned after Helen Pender dropped her bomb shell in the meeting. Because I thought why do I have to sit through this.

Do they not realise some one connected to RCC will be exposed? and I wont stop there.
Nothing is being made up we have a clear unique trace to one computer that has made 226 visits since August 12 using the connection in the council chamber at various times of day.

The commentator wants every one to believe, I am mad that’s what they do!

When Mr Carey from Rutland County’s Arts4Rutland sent me vile threatening e-mails  he resigned despite me saying an apology would be ok. He sent various further emails threatening me and Helen Pender because she said he was a drunk. The problem is most of them are. Look at Cllr Jones and his drunken behaviour out side Clays, something he did not deny to standards, disgusting behaviour.

I am human and not evil I remember visiting Cllr Charles Haworth about a year ago to express my unhappiness regarding comments  posted in  Rutland Chat Forum. Forget the likes of Cllr Walters who post who the F*CK is Martin Brookes. He cant help his unstable mind.

I went to visit to ask Cllr Haworth, did he find it acceptable that these mindless people were posting nasty comments about me and at that time a member of Tesco staff. Within the hour the comments were removed. But he still insists he does not know who is responsible. Liar!

Sadly what they were commenting about was a medical condition that was visible on the skin. That member of staff has been treated for cancer since then, yes the real thing and very deadly at the age of 27. They were told this week there was no more doctors could do and I am told they were making arrangements for this person to come home this weekend,  to live out their last few days. I wish their family well.

And hope the members of the Rutland Chat Forum are proud of there comments and don’t deny it because I still have copies of your original posts, where you name the person.

If you need a little reminder think back to the time the co-op re-opened and your hate for Tesco.

I won’t say you are inhuman but I will say you are evil.