Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tory Battle Bus Hits the Roads of Rutland, Rutland County Council Elections 2011?

Tory Battle Bus Hits the Roads of Rutland, Rutland County Council Elections 2011?

Outside Oakham Co-op Superstore plenty of supporters here.

It cant be proved this is electioneering by the Tories, but is does seem to lack any visual support from the Lib Dems or Independents.

The Tory controlled non political council? whatever that means? I will leave that to Conservative leader Roger Begy to explain.

The public are being asked to vote for two of seven budget cuts Rutland County Council wish to impose.

From cutting to school costs, buses, health care cost for the elderly and vulnerable by doubling contribution payments and sacking library staff.....

I would like to know who dreamt this up at the council?

Councillor Peter Jones heads towards his next victim...
(His body guard hides behind him). I wonder if the hat is part of the Rutland Tory Uniform, I must say ex Tory Town Mayor Jan Fillingham looked much more fetching hidden under her similar hat.

Councillor Heather Wells Conservative, described locally as the portfolio holder for wrecking local young peoples educations and future prospects? attempts to persuade a couple of shoppers to vote for cuts in services.

Councillor Peter Jones Conservative if he's not got his hands in his pockets, he's either using the i phone or i pad. The coat has seen better days?