Friday, February 04, 2011

Cllr Charles Haworth Oakham Town Council Rutland County Council

This is why Rutland County Council block my blog:

They constantly ignore serious  breaches by Oakham Town Councillors

So I blog about it and the Chief Executive has the cheek to shout deformation!

Below is another complaint that will be ignored.

Dear Rutland County Council monitoring officer (Mr Pook)

I wish to report report Cllr Charles Haworth of Oakham Town Counil for failing to declare an interest in Oakham Fitness Club when the matter was discussed at Oakham Town Council.

The matter was discussed in private, press and public excluded. It is my understanding Cllr Haworth run a club at this location, by not declaring an interest he is in serious breach of the code of conduct.

At it woulld apppear he would now have a knowledge of confidential information that is not meant to be in the public domain. Because he only left the meeting about to thirds of the way through the item.

The Clerk has confirmed he only departed due to a sudden onset of ill health.

The Town Clerk has suggested the route to complain is through you. I will do this but my experience is you will not take my complaint seriously.


Martin Brookes