Thursday, February 03, 2011


Oakham Town Council
Victoria Hall, 39 High Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AH

Telephone: 01572 723627 Fax: 01572 759395

e-mail: enquiries@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk

Oakham Town Council is making reporting the meetings very difficult as you read my report I hope you will see this.

After tonights meeting regretfully I lost my cool with Cllr Alf Dewis who stands smirking. I called him a liar and said I would publish his statements and the Clerks so the public could see he was as I say. He smirks because he knows the local government act prevents me from doing so.


 I arrived 15 minutes before the meeting was due to start and found the internal fire doors locked, so I waited 5 minutes before going to the side door and gaining access via this door. The Councillors stopped speaking. I entered the chamber and Cllr Maureen Dodds very openly questioned why I was in the room.
Three other Cllrs greeted me. I asked if I had interrupted a meeting and was I too early Cllr Grey said no.
I then told the clerk the front door was locked he looked flustered and replied whatever and walked to the office.

The Mayor followed and members chatted.

The Mayor and Clerk returned at 7.30pm and She opened the meeting and Cllr Joyce Lucas, Said madam mayor please may I take my jacket off? The mayor replied yes!

Once again APOLOGIES  from Cllr Swiffin were accepted due to ill health according  to Local Government Act 1972 Section 85(1) which I believe is not be correctly implemented, it seems at Oakham Town Council if you send your apologies at each meeting this can go on for ever.

The Mayor/Chairman ask for a proposer to approve hid apologies for absence Cllr Joyce Lucas put her hand up and shouts me! it was seconded and approved, how long can this go on I guess until May 5th?

Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in respect to items on the
agenda all but two members declared an interest in item 19 - 4 a planning item

Councillors confirmed and accepted  the minutes of the meeting of Oakham Town Council held on
Wednesday January 12th 2011

There were no questions previously notified to the Clerk under Standing Order 23


The Chairman mentioned two functions she had attended.

Members who have attended meetings on behalf of Oakham Town Council were asked for reports if they had complied with the rule: (Members intending to report should inform the Clerk prior to the meeting) Cllr Joyce Lucas stood and said I would like to report but I did not give notification so I can't (this has never stopped her in the past)

Members are asked to inform the Clerk of any changes in their Register of Member’s
Interests. none were reported.

For information only the councillor received a report from the Clerk for information only although two Councillors were allowed to ask questions.

Members of the Public are invited to address the meeting in accordance with
procedures laid down in Standing Order 73 Helen Pender asked if Councillors had received her petition relating to the High Sheriffs Certificate, The mayor confirmed they had all seen it.

Oakham Town Councillors decided to hold an information day for members of the public who may
wish to put themselves forward as candidates at the forthcoming Local Government. This will take place between 4 - 6.30 on March 2nd before the Council meeting.


The Mayor said even though Helen Penders petition had nominated a person it was up to Councillors to decide if they would even consider it. She felt it was very clear the letter from Mr Lawson said the nominations were to come from Councillors.

Alf Dewis proposed a man called Tony Southern no reason was given. He did say the man would soon be 100 I hope who ever he is I hope he is still with us next year to collect the certificate. Councillors accepted the nomination. A bit more transparency would have been good Cllr Dewis.

Cllr Lorna Grey proposed the second nomination Pam Gilbert for work with the youth and the guides if Lorna nominated her then she must be worthy, my own nan was a commissioner in the girl guides in Sandy and hundreds of girls loved her just as much as I did.
The Councillors all agreed with the nomination.

Now this is where transparency failed and I can not understand why changing meeting dates is such a big secret Councillors agreed to amended schedule of meetings up to the Local Government Elections
due to be held on May 5th 2011 they did not tell the public any of the details. The Chairman said they were moving the Annual Town Meeting to the 27th. I waited for her to finish and asked what month. She replied "You are not allowed to speak" I said its a simple request and how can I report just the Annual meeting is on the 27th? Cllr Joyce Lucas Started to laugh showing no respect towards me. The Chairman spoke over her laughter and said April! no time was given.

The Council agreed to open tender for the for this years Floral Displays along with the watering contract.
This is a very lucrative contract held for three years Ashwell Garden Centre owner a previous town clerk in 2009 the hanging basket in the town cost £12,000 last year it was £16,000 + watering

Councillors approved the purchase of 6 new “Lions Head” benches manufactured by
Broxap Ltd for installation in Cutts Close as replacements for those adjacent to the
Toddlers’ Play Area  After Cllr Maureen Dodds said we have been talking of doing this for years lets get on with it!

The Chairman said we move onto item G ?

Councillors then considered whether to part fund the installation of new fencing at the Burley Road
allotments, no mention this week about the terms of the lease. It was a good thing, if the leaseholders obtained 3 quotes the council would consider granting £600. Grant! the council have voted in the past that no one can apply for grants other than those 3 they support CAB, Oakham in Bloom and the Oakham Festival. Cllr Lowe was concerned the council should only give money if it was to be used wisely he felt the new fencing may reduce anti social behaviour. Cllr Tor Clark felt a hedge should be planted along with the fence. All agreed.

CORE STRATEGY INVOLVEMENT AND HEARINGS To decide whether Oakham Town Council wishes to comment on the issues raised by the Planning Inspector in relation to the Core Strategy Document

Cllr Tor Clerk said he was interested to see a whole day was to be devoted to Oakham?
Cllr Dewis interrupted to point out it was only a half day?

Cllr Dodds said I am very confused.

The Town Clerk stated the planning inspector had not included and of the Town Council comments.

There was so much mumbled discussion it was unclear what was proposed or agreed.

Councillors decided Oakham Town Council did not wish to withdraw, modify or add to any
of its previous written comments about the Planning Application by Jeakins Weir for
the erection of 112 No. dwellings on Land West of Uppingham Road

It appeared the Town Council was unaware of recent development and the reduction in the number of proposed homes to be built.

Cllr Tor Clark reminded members they had already voted against the application and proposed they resent the objection this was agreed.

The Council decided to allow Holland’s Fair to use Cutts Close from 26 April –
3 May 2011 to agreed on a rental amount of £300 proposed by Cllr Alf Dewis, Cllr Tor Clark voted against.
They decided not to allow the Fair to use electricity from the Bandstand.


the councillors considered the following applications and made recommendations
thereon to Rutland County Council:

(i) APP/2010/1285/APB Rutland County Council
Various works to 9 No. trees including felling of 1 No. Popalr and 1. No.Beech
Amenity Land, Springfield Way

Cllr Joyce Lucas Tree Warden says we should go along with whatever Rutland County Council wants The Company who has been carrying out the survey along with her of the counties tree is very reputable!

The application was approved.

(ii) APP/2010/1278/DTR Rutland County Council
Installation of 7 No. CCTV cameras fixed onto external wall of the castle and
1 No. PTZ camera located on 4 m pole at entrance area
Oakham Castle, Market Place

Cllr Joyce Lucas said if English Heritage have approved the scheme who are we not to agree? (the Town Council?)

Cllr Tor Clark said he was not a fan of CCTV but he was also not a fan of the damage caused by vandals to such a valuable and historic asset.

He did raise the issue of securing the fence.

The Clerk said Rutland County Council are now hinting the fence belongs to the Town Council.

Cllr Joyce Lucas commended the police for doing a wonderful job, (I can see the shine in inspector monks boots now)

We were shown some documents on the screen all far to quickly to read.

I did pick out a Covert Camera was installed in 2009 (so all you naughty Oakham School smokers beware!)
Cllrs Approved the application.

(iii) APP/2010/1282/APB Mr and Mrs Humphrey
Construction of single storey extension to rear (southwest) elevation
2 Chaffinch Close

Cllr Dodds said is it in proportion?

The Clerk said there are no issues with this application. (A non elected clerk should not influence planning decision I have said it before)

The application was approved.

(iv) APP/2010/1247/APB Spire Homes
Construction of single storey extension to side (north) elevation of
62 Parkfield Road

All Councillor accept Cllr Tor Clerk and Cllr Adam Lowe declared an interest and left the meeting. Before leaving the Chairman said we are leaving because Cllr Swiffin is the owner?

When she returned she corrected this he is the tenant.

Now why did they do this, they refused to declare when the Assistant clerk made a similar application last year and she was the home owner.

The council were not a quorum at this point so they could not make a decision.

 (v) APP/2010/1272/APB Mr B Gott
Replacement of existing timber windows with white uPVC windows
5 Jubilee Court, Northgate

For some reason some Cllrs found this application amusing Cllr Woodcock proposed acceptance and Cllr Lucas laughed and said ill second that!

(vi) APP/2011/0027/SUH Mr Nicholas Marlow
Retrospective application for siting of four steel storage containers
24 Pillings Road

This application was discussed rather secretly nothing was shown on the screen and lots of documents were passed around the table for Councillors to read and digest? Cllr Woodcock was concerned the  current climate meant the council should know the content of the storage units what if the content was flammable or  explosive. After he had gone onto make his proposal The Chairman held up a at Rutland County Council document they had all just read and pointed out it clearly showed no hazardous material would be stored on site.

The cancel refused the application.

Cllr Joyce Lucas said I would really like to know what in the storage units!

To discuss recommendations from the Staffing Committee from its meeting held on
January 26th 2011 and to decide whether to approve those recommendations
(Members are asked to note that should detailed discussions take place on this item
they may wish to consider whether it is necessary to resolve to exclude the
Public and Press) under Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings)
Act 1960.

The public were not excluded Cllr Alf Dewis Chair of the Staffing Committee stood proposed the Council accept his recommendations and this was accepted with no comment.

Has the Clerk been awarded a pay rise extra holiday? who knows an brief explanation after all the public are paying his huge wage.

There is no point seeking a FOI request because Oakham Town Council ignore them.

To decide whether to exclude the Press and Public, under Section 1(2) of the Public
Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, during consideration of Item 22 on the
agenda due to the confidential nature of the matters to be discussed
22. OAKHAM FITNESS CENTRE (Appendix K – To follow)
To discuss various matters and to decide on an appropriate way forward

The Councillor voted to exclude the public and Cllr Dewis rather rudely turned to me and said you can go now

I asked when can we return to be told the outcome he replied go and come back in the morning and ask the clerk.

I and the member of the public explained the correct procedure to the Chairman and was ignored.
Cllr Lowe came out to say he would ask us to return.
Whilst we waited Cllr Charles Haworth walked out of the meeting.

I asked him why he refused to speak to me.

Cllr Lowe came to call us back in  the chairman ignored the correct procedure and closed the meeting.  The member of the public asked about the outcome of the last item on the agenda and was told abruptly by the Chairman the matter was deferred that all you need to know!

Standard Complaints have been raised by myself relating to the lack of respect  shown towards myself and a member of the public against:

Cllr Sharon Spencer
Cllr Maureen Dodds
Cllr Joyce Lucas
Cllr Alf Dewis

Oakham Town Council needs to learn it is not a club exclusively for its members. I don't expect Rutland County Council will deal with the complaints.

Last year Cllr Joyce Lucas told me and a member of the public a fellow Councillor drinks and drives, she said she always leaves the meetings and rushes to the Wheatsheaf. I raised this as a question at councillors questions because she would not name the Councillor. Tonight I looked into this again and yes Cllr Maureen Dodds drives to the Wheatsheaf pub park outside the front door on double yellow lines and drinks with her friends from RATS Not very responsible thing for a Councillor to be doing considering the concern about road deaths in the county. I hope she does not add to those figure on the way back to Langham.