Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Voters in Rultand have become complacent says Rutland County Councillor Mr Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD (Leader of the Council)

Voters in Rultand have become complacent says  Rutland County Councillor Mr Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD  (Leader of the Council)

I agree with that comment, but has anyone asked why?

Councillor Mr Richard J Gale (Independent) - OAKHAM NORTH WEST WARD said at recent meeting people often respond to him "the council does not listen so I can't be bothered".

This May 5th, I predict we will see a repeat of the last local government elections, poor turn out and many uncontested seats. 
Many Parish Councils throughout Rutland are described as Incestuous.

A Rutland County Councillor has described Greetham Parish Council as Incestuous, with Councillors living in each others pockets or at least next door to each other.

I witnessed bullying, at Exton Parish Council last year.

Stretton Village Parish Council, The Chairman and 3 other councillors resigned on Saturday 6th November 2010. no one came forward for Election, so Rutland County Council has been forced to appoint a County Councillor so the Parish Council can function legally. But how can you expect 3 people to represent what many people of that village want?
Over a third of the Parish Council here in Oakham has resigned over the past year and people have been co-opted after people failed to stand for election.
We need a lot of people to give their time and stand on May 5th, People who will serve in a selfless manner.
Or do we abolish all Parish Councils? and as Mrs Briggs is so keen to contract out every service, and the schools looking to opt out and become academies, why don't we abolish the County Council? and set up Rutland Heritage Foundation with charitable status, Mrs Briggs Chief Executive would enjoy this status as the charitable status would mean she would be exempt from FOI. Although I not sure any business group would wish to contract her services.