Sunday, February 06, 2011

Rutland Air Training Corps Parade Photographs Oakham And Tally Ho Band Melton Mowbray

Oakham Police turned out in force today to police a parade by the ATC led by Melton Mowbray Tally Ho Band.

No one knows what the parade marked, the local press did not know either? Oakham Town Council clearly knew on Wednesday but only released brief details at the public meeting. One member of the public thought it was a 50th aniversary.

Leicestershire Police saw the parade passed smoothly. for me it was tarnish by the rude man carrying the Standard for the British Legion. I question why? because after the event he rudely approached me and told me he did not want me photographing him. I checked with the local police hence the delay in publishing this blog, They could not see any reason why I should not publish a photograph of Rutland's British Legions Representative. I suggest if he does not want to be seen in public, then in future give the job to a more respectable person, may I suggest Mr Savage MBE a very respectable man. When will these local establishment bullies grow up?

Local officer waits in Northgate Oakham to escort parade.

Melton Tali Ho Band arrive in Church Street

 The Air Training Corps attended a Church Service

 Melton Mowbray Tally Ho Band almost ready
I bet those ladies are 
pleased the wind in blowing down 
their skirts


Leicestershire police escort ready to go.

Cllr Dewis and Lucas wait in the High Street Oakham for the parade to pass  
(Cllr Dewis is the gentleman who finds it acceptable to lie and falsely accuse me in his Standards for England Statement)
 he is currently protected by the local government act so I can publish his or the Clerks Statement to prove his lies, All I will say is, I may have been provoked into unproffesional behaviour by people like him, but I can assure you I don't lie like them.

Cllr Dewis confessing his sins, lying and bullying to the Chaplain whilst Cllr Sharon Spencer Mayor of Oakham Town Council chats with Cllr Lucas.

Cllr Alf Dewis speaks to the wife of Dr Laurence Howard JP PhD, he is Her Majesty's Lord Lieutenant for Rutland, she pointed kindly pointed out to the High Sheriff of Rutland I was attempting to take a photograph of her, the High Sheriff of Rutland said not him! something I would expect from a former town clerk and friend of Oakham Town Richard White.

What I found refreshing is real dignatories know how to behave and do so in a way that is befitting of their public position.

Dr Laurence Howard JP PhD,  Her Majesty's Lord Lieutenant for Rutland and his wife also smile and say hello I politely return the greeting. 

Oakham Town Councillors and the other members of the Rutland Mob huddle together point and behave rather strangely, I am sure they forget the public are watching. Although they did keep this event rather secret so there were none of the normal crowds lining the street.

Oakham Town Council never keep their word they agreed I could take photographs for my blog at public events. So why do I end up with a photograph like this. If this is how they want the world to see them then thats fine by me.

Left to right 

Mr Lucas a local Mason and husband of Cllr Joyce Lucas, he is the gentleman a member of the public reported to a PCSO for drink driving and the PSCO from Oakham took no action.

The next man with the chain ? 

Cllr Alf Dewis

Oakham Mayor Sharon Spencer

Her husband Mr Spencer puts his head down

And last but not least once again Cllr Joyce Lucas turns her back to me.

The Rutland Royal British Legion Standard bearer who rudely said I was not to photograph him before he went of to drink beer in the Catmose club his preference to the tea on offer at the ATC. 
If he does not like the public to photograph him (me) then why take up such a predominate responsibility, would he not be better staying at home or with the rest of the Rutland Bullies Brigade?

Dr Laurence Howard JP PhD,  Her Majesty's Lord Lieutenant for Rutland  always happy to be photographed.

Now the parade.

Please note if you see yourself in any of the photographs and wish to download for free, please consider paid photographers Oliver is the nice photographer in red he works for the poor Rutland Times and I am sure you will find his photographs are better quality. The fee is only a few pounds per photograph and your mum or dad would I am sure be only to pleased to buy a frame for it.  Despite what the local mob tell the Department for Employment I don't sell any of my photographs of Local events I am happy to share for free.
Thank you.

The Tally Ho Band fromm Melton Mowbray marching Oakham High Street,

To the left in Red is the real photographer Oliver from the Rutland Times.

 Some dignitaries and Oakham Town Councillors heading for tea at the drill hall in Penn Street

Tally Ho Band from Melton Mowbray outside Calico Mill Street Oakham

Tally Ho Band from Melton Mowbray Marching along Mill Street Oakham

 A new trick I have learnt is to see a person like the High Sheriff approaching turn away, hold camera down low and snapping and then I get a result like below a nice photograph of our High Sheriff in blue smiling with out her turning her head away, I practiced this recently at another event and caught some nice shot of Cllr Jones now he knows how I did it!

2248 (Rutland) Squadron
Air Cadets